Apologetics Conference 2010

Apologetics Conference 2010

Marietta, Georgia
November 18th – 20th

“Set Forth Your Case: Equipping Christians for Discipleship and Evangelism”

Experience seasoned teaching by Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig, Gary Habermas, Greg Koukl, Randy Newman, Frank Beckwith, Craig Evans, Craig Blomberg, Mike Licona and over twenty other influencers in Christian apologetics as they equip you about the issues facing contemporary Christian witness.

I will be presenting “The Redefining of ‘Faith’ and how Christians can Respond” on Friday Night, November 19th from 8:35 – 9:30. Come find me and feel free to ask questions. Are you planning on going? Here is a link for more info: EPS


Should We Use Evidence in Witnessing?

Should We Use Evidence in Witnessing?

In a recent blog post, Dr. Clay Jones of Biola University gives a biblical perspective on using evidence as testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ.

Here’s a sneak peek:

“In 1993 I started working for Simon Greenleaf University (now Trinity Law School) which offered an M.A. in Christian apologetics (Craig Hazen was the director). Much of my job was to promote the school and although I had studied Christian apologetics since my sophomore year in high school, I decided I needed to see whether an apologetic witness had strong Biblical precedence. It does. As I poured through the Scripture I found that Jesus and the apostles preached the resurrection of Christ as the sign of the truth of Christianity.”