Recently Crosswalk gave me the opportunity to share a little of my story as Why I Still Believe released. Here’s a preview:

Present-day Western culture teaches that there is no need for God. Science has explained away all the aspects of life that we previously ascribed to deity. Therefore, it has become a somewhat popular opinion that God is unnecessary for our enlightened modern minds.

This was the mantra that played in the background of my mind when I struggled with the judgmentalism and hypocrisy I saw within the church.

Do I really believe in God? Am I confident God has been disproven by our current knowledge of the universe? Why would I subject myself to a community full of hypocrites when there’s no need to believe in God anymore?

Yet, when I considered stepping away from the church and from my faith to return to my former atheism, there were some things that stood in the way of leaving Christianity behind. Here a three reasons I could not walk away from belief in God: To read the rest head to