Why Do You Believe That?

Why Do You Believe That?

Mary Jo Sharp – “Why Do You Believe That?” Bible Study Taping

April 16-17, 2012

– Tuesday)


LifeWay Christian Resources

Mary Jo Sharp

LifeWay and new author Mary Jo Sharp are coming together to tape
a new Bible Study resource called “Why Do You Believe That: A Faith
Conversation”. Come be a part of this free event. Choose from the two
sessions offered – you can choose to attend 1 or both of the sessions.


LifeWay and new author Mary Jo Sharp are coming together
to tape a new Bible Study resource called “Why Do You Believe That: A
Faith Conversation”.  This will be the first video Bible study that Mary
Jo is producing with LifeWay.  The study focuses on knowing what you
believe and equipping believers to feel confident discussing matters of
faith with those they encounter.
Come be a part of this free event.  Choose from the two sessions offered – you can choose to attend 1 or both of the sessions.

Registration Information

Register Online: click HERE

Register by Phone: Call LifeWay Events Registration toll free at 800.254.2022

Register by Fax: Fax your information to: 615.251.3730

Policy: Since this event is free, if you are unable to use your ticket
please give to someone else who may benefit from attending this taping.

Policy: During this event, LifeWay will be videotaping, audio taping,
and photographing. Most likely, you will be filmed, recorded or
photographed as part of the audience or individually. By your
attendance, you are granting your permission to be videotaped,
audiotaped, or photographed for commercial purposes and agree to the
following: being recorded, filmed, videotaped, or photographed by any
means; commercial or any other use of your likeness, voice and words
without compensation; specifically waving all rights of privacy during
the videotaping, filming, recording or photographing and release LifeWay
Christian Resources from liability for loss, damage, or compensation
from the commercial or other use of your likeness, image, voice or word;
compliance with all rules and regulations of LifeWay for this event.

Taping will be held at LifeWay Christian Resources in the Crowe Room.

for free in the 10th Avenue North Visitors Lot or the 9th Avenue North
Visitors Lot. Upon entering the building you will be greeted and
directed to the Crowe Room.

Please eat before you arrive. Light snacks will be provided at the first break between segments.

Bring your Bible and pen to get the most out of this event.

After you register you will receive a ticket, bring your ticket to the event for entrance into the taping.


LifeWay Christian Resources
1 LifeWay Plaza
TN 37234


Session 1 // Monday April 16:
5:30pm Doors Open
6:00pm Welcome

6:15pm Session 1
6:50pm Break

7:15pm Session 2
7:50pm Break

8:15pm Session 3
9:00pm Dismiss
Session 2 // Tuesday April 17: 
5:30pm Doors Open

6:00pm Welcome

6:15pm Session 4
6:50pm Break

7:15pm Session 5
7:50pm Break
8:15pm Session 6
9:00pm Dismiss

Did Muhammad Believe In Women’s Rights?

Did Muhammad Believe In Women’s Rights?

Did Muhammad believe in women’s rights? The article I wrote for the Christian Research Journal broaches the subject and asks harder questions for this difficult subject matter. Christian Research Institute Director, Hank Hanegraaff (“The Bible Answer Man”), interviewed me today about this article. Click HERE for the link to the MP3. To purchase the journal or to become a subscriber, click HERE.

Book Contract!

Book Contract!

Signing the contract for my first book! It’s now official and I wanted you to be the first to know. Thank you for all of your support and for reading this blog. Kregel Publications contacted me a couple of years back after I finally decided to start a blog. The story is worth telling, so here goes:

While working on my MA in Christian Apologetics at Biola University, my professor, Dr. Clay Jones, told the students that we were to have a dialogue with a non-believer. The manner in which we were to dialogue was given as an option. Option #1: Hold an email conversation discussing the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. Option #2: Begin a blog. At first, I chose the email option mainly because I was apprehensive about putting my beliefs out there for anyone to critique. Soon, I became convicted and decided to take the plunge…so began this blog, Confident Christianity.

I have been challenged through the past few years by atheists, agnostics, and even fellow believers. Each pushes me to continue to learn and test what I believe to be true about reality. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. This Sunday, March 14th, brings another birthday. As another year passes, I find that I can think of no better thing I’d rather be doing with my life than what I am currently doing.

Confident Christianity is the result of much guidance and spiritual direction from many of my colleagues. With gratefulness I welcome the opportunity to put my thoughts to words. Your prayers and encouragement are felt and appreciated!




Many thanks to our friends at Acts17 Apologetics for posting the debate video for us, which can be viewed HERE. Mary Jo and I hope you gain many insights and will consider both sides of the argument no matter where you may stand on the issues. Overall, we believe you will be pleased with the civility and level of knowledge of both of these fine debaters as they looked at Women in the Qur’an and the Bible.

Be sure and link to “Answering Muslims” as you spread the word about the video. This is much appreciated. Also, both debaters would LOVE YOUR FEEDBACK. Please leave civil comments and try not to be too preachy.



TO SEE THE VIDEO, CLICK HERE. (Posted Feb. 22nd)
TO DONATE (the debate wiped out our ministry funds!) CLICK HERE.