7 thoughts on “Dearborn 4 Found NOT GUILTY!

  1. Praise the Lord! That was a situation that needed to be righted and thanks be to God for bringing justice in this situation.

    But don't you mean they were found "not guilty?" I don't think the US judicial system hands out "innocent" verdicts.


  2. Praise the Lord! It is good to see justice done in this situation.

    But, don't you mean they were found "not guilty?" I don't think the US judicial system hands out "innocent" verdicts.


  3. http://www.paed.uscourts.gov/documents/opinions/05D0847P.pdf

    I think that will be an interesting read. It is from a US District Court overturning an arrest for video taping police while doing their "job"

    Last year, the NAACP announced an initiative in which it encouraged ordinary citizens to tape police misconduct with their cell phones and send the videos to the group's website, http://www.naacp.org

    in June, the American Civil Liberties U…nion (ACLU) of Florida sued the city of Boynton Beach on behalf of Sharron Tasha Ford who had been arrested in Florida for videotaping an encounter between the police and her son on a public sidewalk claiming false arrest and violation of her First Amendment rights.

    If they try to hit you guys with WIRETAP laws – use this defense: A police officer arresting or questioning someone on a highway or street is not having a private conversation. He is engaging in a public act and therefore both parties to a conversation do not need to give consent.

    When Police Officers Turn Off Video Cameras, They Cast a Shadow of Doubt on their actions. Now that you have been found not guilty – I would suggest suing them for unlawful prosecution as well as various civil liberty violations

    I would also argue using First amendment as protection. The first amendment offers protection in this case. "shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press"

    Video is the new method of the press –

    There are many officers who are behind you… I know a few myself.

    Keep fighting the fight.

  4. I think that Negeen is actually guilty of disobeying a peace officer and that's why they have to appeal. I think she'll win, but it's more wasted time and money.

    The post at Answering Muslims says:

    "…defendant Mayel was found guilty of the charge “Willfully Disobeying the Lawful Order of a Police Officer.” She was sentenced to one day of jail, which had already been served in June."

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