Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month. To honor this, the Baltimore Christianity Column will be featuring the profiles of talented and accomplished women in the field of Christian Apologetics
all month. These are trained, professional, and accomplished women who
champion Christianity through their expertise in fields such as
philosophy, history, and science.

Be sure to check out all the profiles of women in apologetics in this series.  Joel Furches continues to provide a comprehensive list producing an easily accessible database of speakers and writers.  If you represent a church, ministry, school, university, college, etc., contact one of these women and allow them to equip you in the area of apologetics.  

“I realized that if I had doubts about belief in God then other people
in the church most likely had doubts as well. Therefore, I began to
teach a class in my church on apologetics. This is how my interest in
apologetics began.”
To read the rest of the article, click HERE…
New Bible Study Resource!

New Bible Study Resource!

Resilient Faith
by Mary Jo Sharp

so many Christians in the American culture, faith is an easy thing.
They go to church, they read the Bible, and they love Jesus. But what
happens when their comfortable world is turned upside down? For too many
people, their faith is shaken. Faith in Christ can-and should-be
constant, because Christ, the One in whom we place our faith, is
constant. We all face-or will face-difficult times when we need to stand
firm in our Christ-centered faith. The Book of 1 Peter offers the
needed understanding of what a resilient faith looks like and how we can
stand strong regardless of what comes at us. Ideal for small groups.

The Gospel Coalition: Know Your Southern Baptists

The Gospel Coalition: Know Your Southern Baptists

Trevin Wax, of The Gospel Coalition, has featured Mary Jo today in the Kingdom People blog series, “Know Your Southern Baptists.” You can check it out here: Know Your Southern Baptists: Mary Jo Sharp.

Others featured in the series: David Platt, Beth Moore, Rick Warren, Fred Luter Jr., Paige Patterson, Jack Graham, and Shai Linne.

The Gospel Project: Valuing Life

The Gospel Project: Valuing Life

Last year, I wrote a session for LifeWay’s The Gospel Project on “The Meaning of Life.”  That session is in the current issue for Winter 2013-2014: “A God-Centered Worldview.”  My contribution is about meaning and purpose in human lives in a world void of God. It reflects on the writings of King Solomon (Ecclesiastes), the apostle Paul, William Lane Craig, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bertrand Russell, and others. It also looks at the value that Jesus’ resurrection gives to human life.

Along with the study, I wrote some devotionals. LifeWay Christian Resources has made one devotional available online here: Valuing Life


LIFEWAY: Knowing, Sharing, and Defending Your Faith

LIFEWAY: Knowing, Sharing, and Defending Your Faith

Are you uncertain when talking about your faith? Do you stumble over
your words when someone asks you what you believe? In this video
interview, Mary Jo Sharp, certified apologetics instructor and author
of Why Do You Believe That?,
discusses the importance of knowing what you believe, the fine art of
sharing your faith, and why you should be prepared to defend your faith
as a follower of Christ.
Following is the transcript of our interview with Sharp:
LifeWay.com: How can someone be a Christian and not know what they believe?
Certified Apologist Mary Jo Sharp:
A person can be a Christian and not know what they believe because
maybe they were raised in the church. Maybe they had parents you know
that dragged them to Sunday School every Sunday and they really haven’t
taken ownership of their beliefs. It’s being what I call a responsible
believer; that you actually know what you believe and why you believe
it. Instead you’re just kind of going with a tradition, maybe your
family tradition. And for me, you know I became a believer and I believe
that was a real experience. I was truly convicted, but since I didn’t
maintain what I believe, I didn’t look deeply into my beliefs.
Eventually they just sort of faded because those things don’t stay fresh
in your mind unless you actively pursue that knowledge.
If someone doesn’t know why they believe what they believe, what is the
first step you suggest they take to become more informed?
Mary Jo Sharp:
If someone doesn’t know why they believe in God they should first of
all figure out what it is that they believe. They should ask themselves,
“So what is it that I think about God?” “Do I believe that He exists?”
“How do I know that?” “Do I believe in a risen Jesus?” “Well, how do I
know that Jesus was risen from the dead?”
LifeWay.com: Cultures are different across our country and the world. How does that impact sharing our faith?
Mary Jo Sharp:
Cultures can be very different for how you share your faith. Usually
though with just talking to people there is a pattern that is true for
all people which is that we need to treat people like they’re people and
not projects. So we get to know the person right where they’re at no
matter what their culture is. And as we get to know those people that
provides information for us to share with them what we believe. And we
tread on those commonalities that we have with each other.
LifeWay.com: Does saying, “I don’t know,” discredit you or Christianity?
Mary Jo Sharp:
Saying I don’t know does not discredit your Christianity. It doesn’t
discredit your belief. It’s being honest with people. You’re only human
and you don’t have all the answers. You can never have a God’s eye view
of the world. So we shouldn’t expect anyone else or ourselves to have
all the answers. And to show that you’re an honest person and to show
that you’re a follower of Jesus who is the Truth, we have to show
integrity. When we don’t know something we need to be able to say, “I
don’t know.”
LifeWay.com: When it comes to sharing our faith, how can we be better listeners?
Mary Jo Sharp:
When it comes to sharing our faith sometimes we’re not that good at
listening. I’m guilty of this. It’s very important though because of the
person that you’re talking to. They need to be able to speak their mind
so they work out their own beliefs, and they start to hear themselves
say these things. So they feel like they’re being heard and understood
by us. And that’s so important. If you’re going to go out and talk to
people about beliefs, they need to know that they’re important. Their
ideas are important wherever they’re at in life with whatever they
believe currently in order to have an honest and open conversation with
LifeWay.com: When in a conversation about faith, when do you let it go and move on?
Mary Jo Sharp:
Sometimes you get into a conversation on faith and it’s just time to
let it go. And you can usually tell this by body language, by the person
getting uncomfortable. If it starts to get heated, if there are a lot
of emotions starting to ramp up then it’s time for you to let that
conversation go, and you’ll probably get another chance to talk to the
person if you do.
LifeWay.com: Why do we need to be prepared to defend our faith?
Mary Jo Sharp:
We need to be prepared to defend our faith first of all for us so that
we’re answering our own doubts so that we grow in confidence in what we
believe. When we’re confident we can go out and share with others about
our beliefs. The other reason is for our culture. We’re living in a time
that is becoming highly secularized and the view of Christians in the
media is not that good. So we’re needing to combat that view and the way
we do that is first we have to be confident in our beliefs and defend
our own faith, and then we have to go out and share that with others so
we can combat that cultural view, that misunderstanding of the Christian
LifeWay.com: Share with us a particularly intimidating or challenging experience of sharing your faith.
Mary Jo Sharp:
A particularly intimidating experience when sharing my faith … This
is not going to be like a one-on-one kind of situation, but I did do a
debate in a mosque in Toronto with a Muslim woman on the views of women
in Islam and Christianity, and our audience was pretty much about 85
percent or more Muslim and the mosque was packed out wall to wall. We
had people sitting all over the floor because there were so many people
in there. That was one of the most intimidating situations I’ve ever
been in. But it was awesome because I got to share the Gospel of Jesus
in the mosque.


Defend The Faith

Defend The Faith

You Are Invited!  Join fellow HBU Professor Nancy Pearcey and me along with Gary Habermas, Doug Groothuis, Sean McDowell, Greg Koukl, Bob Stewart, James Walker, David Calhoun, Rob Bowman, Rhyne Putman, Steve Lemke, Steve Cowan, Mike Edens, Mark Rathel, Jeffrey Riley, Tawa Anderson, Ray Stewart, Page Brooks, Ben Arbour, and Mike Miller.

Defend the Faith
A five-day, five-night conference in Christian Apologetics training
that includes outstanding worship. This event, held on the campus of New
Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary on January 5-10, 2014, will
feature many top speakers in the area
of Christian Apologetics.

Conference Costs

Starting at $120 /

  • Registration: $120 – Includes Complete Conference MP3 Access
  • Full Conference + Lodging and Meals: $310 – Includes 5 nights lodging, 4 full days meals, Full program w/ Complete MP3 Access