Over the years of speaking at conferences, one request I have heard numerous times is for an accessible study to introduce apologetics to the average lay person. The request is not usually for just a book, but is more specifically for a well-laid out study that can be purchased and readily taught. I have found one. Mikel Del Rosario, The Apologetics Guy, has a great product available from his website that fits this request perfectly: Accessible Apologetics Training. This study is available for purchase and immediate download. It is a visually pleasing and easy-to-follow study guide that includes two timeframe options in each lesson; a 45 to 60 minute version and a 60 to 90 minute version. The study includes five sessions that can be taught straight from the notes or enriched with Mikel’s interactive illustrations. Though the material covers the basics, the students will come away with a good comprehension of each point and an ample start in apologetics. Mikel is a great communicator of even difficult concepts, using humor and light-heartedness to enhance the learning experience. The five lessons that can be broken into five or ten sessions: #1. Introduction to Apologetics
– What is Christian Apologetics?
– Why Defend My Faith? #2. Faith and Reason
– Do Faith and Reason Mix?
– How Do I Know Christianity is True? #3. Evidence for God
– Is God Real?
– Why Does God Allow Evil? #4. Fact or Fiction
– Did God Speak to Us?
– Can I Trust My Bible? #5. Dead or Alive
– Making History?
– Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Each lesson includes a leader and student file of the notes to be copied and put in a notebook. The study also includes a Power Point for each lesson as well as a Power Point absentee handout in pdf format. What a great idea! Another excellent inclusion is the “before and after ideas” document with well-thought out email and text messages, tweets, and church bulletin announcements. I recommend Accessible Apologetics Training for any group who wants a solid introduction to apologetics for their church. This would also be a great study for a general apologetics introduction in youth or women’s ministries. Thanks, Mikel, for a job well done! MJ