Meet “The Ruthless Monk” AKA, Leslie Keeney.  Here’s a recent blog post that is worth the read! 

“I have to be honest and admit that I came to Mary Jo Sharp’s Defending the Faith: Apologetics in Women’s Ministry predisposed
to disagree with it. For good or for ill, I have some foundational and
philosophical disagreements with the assumption that there must be
separate ministries for men and women other than for certain delicate
gender-specific issues. I have found no place in the New Testament that
implies that men and women should be discipled differently or that they
have different needs when it comes to spiritual formation or studying
the Bible.

In addition, my personality is such that I have never found any of
the traditional activities associated with women’s ministry remotely
interesting (although I’m not criticizing women who do) and I am deeply
offended when publishers assume that all they need to do is slap some
flowers on the front of a Bible to make it more appealing to female

(And in the interest of full-disclosure, I was traumatized several
years ago by a women’s ministry meeting at my church where they made us
get up and “do the Locomotion” in order to force us to talk to perfect
strangers. I walked out and never went back…” [Read More]