My review of David Wood and Ali Ataie’s debate at the University of California is up on the Answering Islam website.

Here’s a quick preview:

“The main objective of this debate was to take a critical look at the prophet of Islam, Muhammad. David Wood, the Christian apologist, began the debate with a warning that ‘this is not going to be pretty’ and that this would be no ‘interfaith picnic.’ He foreshadowed two-hours of swift, aggressive jousting between two apologists that was enjoyable to the end. One prominent feature of this debate was the personal nature of the material as it related to the two men. For Wood, the material was based on the study of Islam he labored through with his best friend Nabeel, who was a Muslim. For Ali Ataie, the Muslim apologist, the material was central to his own beloved faith….”
For the full article on Answering Islam click here.
To order a copy of the debate click here.



One thought on “Who Was Muhammad? Review of Wood vs. Ataie Debate

  1. I don’t think that Ali had presented his case well. He was using the events from the Bible as comparison, like if Jehovah (God) did this in the Old Testament then it is ok with Muhammad. That is arrant nonsense. Instead of defending his position he tries to attack Bible. But my question to him is: how does that justify Muhammad anyway?

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