Reasons is a weekend conference of conversations
about Faith and evidence.  It is intended to equip and minister to
people of all ages from youth to senior adults.  In one sense, this
opportunity can be seen as specific training in relational and
conversational evangelism.  Our hope is that the speakers, breakout
sessions and resources serve each attendant not as ammunition used to
blast away skeptics…but as fuel to a richer understanding of thought,
evidence, Biblical Faith and a sincere love for people who struggle with
these ideas.  We want the Reasons Conference to make us better witnesses, disciples and missionaries…right here in our own neighborhoods and office buildings.
If you want to promote Reasons to your church, small group, serve team, or school, CLICK HERE for the promotion materials.
We would love for you to join us in this great endeavor. 
Registration has been kept to a minimum by a generous family in Faith
Bible Church.  Individual registration is only $39 with the ability to
add a spouse for $10.  Student registration is only $10.  Please share
this opportunity with neighbors, friends, co-workers, classmates and any
others you think may like to join us for the weekend.
Click Here to Register
We have prayerfully assembled an all-star cast of presenters and
plenary speakers, featuring Dr. J. P. Moreland.  If you are a beginner
in the language of apologetics, do not be intimidated.  There will be
much in this weekend for you.  If you are passionate and well-versed in
the conversations about evidence and Faith, be encouraged.  This weekend
will help to clarify, expand and enlarge your love for these ideas.
Most of all, we hope that Reasons serves to fuel our love,
appreciation, worship and faith in Jesus, the Creator and Redeemer of
all things.  It is for this goal that we offer Reasons.


Friday Evening – October 12, 2012

7:00 PM – Welcome and opening prayer
Remarks on “Why Apologetics?” and introduction of J.P. Moreland by Dr. Craig Hazen
Plenary session: Dr. J.P. Moreland “Arguments for the Existence of God
Book tables and book signing open

Saturday – October 13, 2012

9:00 AM – Welcome and opening prayer
Opening Remarks by Dr. Craig Hazen and introduction of Dr. Michael Licona
First Plenary session: Dr. Michael Licona “Evidence for the Resurrection
10:15 AM –  Breakout Sessions

Mary Jo Sharp “Asking the Right Questions
Holly Ordway “An Atheist’s Journey to Faith
Craig Hazen “Apologetics to Mormons
Stefana Laing “Ancient Heresies Repackaged

LUNCH BREAK 11-12:15 PM (Attendants are responsible for their own lunches) –  Book tables open.
12:15pm Welcome back and introduction of Dr. Clay Jones by Dr. Craig Hazen
Second Plenary session: Dr. Clay Jones “Answering the Problem of Evil”
1:15pm Breakout Sessions

Mary Jo Sharp “Apologetics in Women’s Ministry
Holly Ordway “Literature in Apologetics
Michael Licona “Are the Gospels Reliable?
Craig Hazen “The Challenge of World Religions
Melissa Travis “Intelligent Design 101

2:15pm Introduction of speaker by Dr. Craig Hazen
Third Plenary Session: Dr. J.P. Moreland “The Case for the Existence of the Soul”
Closing remarks by Dr. Craig Hazen
Book tables and book signing open until 4pm.
Sunday- October 14, 2012

9:00 AM and 10:40 AM – Faith Bible Church Worship Services

Dr. Moreland— “Loving God With All Your Mind