Free Systematic Theology Workbook!

I have noticed a recent trend at my latest conferences for women: they are buying up “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem. This is a rather extensive book that explains the doctrines of the Christian faith. So I’ve been looking around online for a workbook or guide to help them begin studying the book. Acts 29 Network has a free resource by Pastor Scott Thomas of Mars Hill Church that guides you through the book entitled, Theological Clarity and Application: Equipping Leaders in Biblical Doctrine. There are two workbook options for download: one is 63 pages (just the workbook questions) and the other is 91 pages (the full workbook in color). I took a look at the 63 page download and it is great! This would be a perfect addition to your newly purchased “Systematic Theology.” It would also be a great help for a bible study centered on the basic Christian doctrines.

You can find the downloads here. Scroll down to below the article.

Happy Studying!


Hat tip: A Mixture of Theology, Nerdery and Bloggy