Which will you believe in, fairytales or truth?

During this Christmas season many people around the world will spend much of their time trying to convince and persuade children to believe in Santa. They will go to malls and take pictures with a stranger in a red suit persuading their children this is the man who leaves gifts at their house each year. They will watch movies telling young ones to “make sure you are good” enough to make it on the good list in order to receive great things under the Christmas Tree. They will even go as far as setting out milk and cookies the night of Christmas Eve for this man in a red suit. This man will receive much praise this Christmas season because children are told that he leaves them gifts under the tree.

However, I would argue that there is one greater than the man in the red suit who really deserves the recognition for Christmas. This is a man of truth and not a man of a fabricated story.

Have you ever sought for the truth? What do you believe about truth? Is there really truth out there or do we need to live in a land of fairytales?

Yes, there is real truth and there is evidence of truth? Yes, there is a man of truth named Jesus and He is much greater than a myth. Take a look at some of the evidence.
· Thousands of years ago this man’s birth was announced before He was born.
· The exact place where He was born was given before it happened.
· It was told that He would save the people
· It was written that He was the one who would pay for the things they did wrong.

There is no evidence for Santa? There is no evidence for his eight tiny reindeer and yet, many will spend time trying to convince others that he is real. On the other hand, there is a mountain of evidence that Jesus is the truth. Which one will you seek this Christmas?

“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The words of Jesus from an eye witness account of John