False Philosophy

Once again Oprah has offered yet another philosophy for success as she featured her friend Russell Simmons, the author of Do You! In his just released book, he offers 12 laws of achieving success. He states that it is through yoga and listening to your inner voice that you can achieve a deep spiritual connection. However, the interesting twist to his philosophy is that you can achieve this power through Muhammad, Buddha, God or your choice of a higher power. Christians must beware not to fall into the trap of following this post-modern philosophy because it is in direct opposition to the Scriptures.

Sadly, many have fallen prey to speakers that mention the word prayer or god associating those words with being a Christian. Russell Simmons used these same words in his interview with Oprah, but he does not represent Christianity. He claims to listen to the inner voice inside, yet this is not what the Bible teaches. Jesus says to “teach all that I have commanded”[1], as well as “sanctify them with my word”[2]. In other words, Christians do not rely on spiritual feelings of an inner voice, but instead the reading of His word. It is through the reading of the Word that God has given every principle for life and godliness.

Simmons also suggests that through yoga there is a process that clears the mind in order to centralize on your higher power. However, this is also in disagreement with the Word of God. Instead the Bible says to meditate on God’s law. Joshua was commanded “not to let the book of the law depart from his mouth; meditate on it day and night”[3]. The Psalms calls the believer to meditate on God’s Word all day long and Romans urges the believer to stop conforming to the world and be transformed by having the mind of Christ. The believer is not called to empty the mind, but to fill it with the Word of God.

Unfortunately, Simmons also suggests an egalitarian view regarding Buddha, Muhammad and God. However, Buddha and Muhammad never rose from the dead nor did they have a ministry in comparison with Christ. Jesus came to save His people, rose from the dead and stated “I am the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through me”.[4]

The recent book by Simmons calls people to empty their minds and connect with their inner higher power, but God is calling His own to have the mind of Christ and live according to all He has commanded. Turn off the T.V., quit searching through the latest philosophy turn to God’s Word and you will find the hope and peace that passes all understanding.

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” (Colossians 1:8)


[1] Matthew 28:18
[2] John 17:17
[3] Joshua 1:8
[4] John 14:6