Is Love our Most Convincing Proof?

To make a good argument, it is vital to have true premises and valid logic. However, a good argument is not all there is to the Gospel message. There is also the evidence of love. Day-to-day the people around us (or in our social media circles) are watching us to see if we demonstrate an attitude of love and concern for others. Francis Schaeffer coined a phrase concerning the powerful testimony of our love for one another: “the final apologetic.” It is an approach that will always be relevant.

The latest Outreach Magazine volume focuses on evangelism and apologetics.  In my article, “Why ‘The Final Apologetic’ Still Matters,” I discuss the power of a two-fold approach to apologetics: strong arguments paired with demonstrative love. I also include why we cannot treat people as a “Jesus project,” as well as a caution to Christians who publicly criticize other Christians in a way that violates the teaching of the Scriptures they are attempting to defend.

From Outreach Magazine’s site, “In this issue, Ravi Zacharias echoes the words of the apostle Peter, urging us to offer answers in the power of gentleness and respect. Ed Stetzer
notes that Christians seem to really love evangelism—as long as someone
else is doing it. He states it plainly: ‘Stop talking yourself out of
evangelism.’ InterVarsity’s James Choung reminds us that the gospel implies words. ‘Actions aren’t enough. Actions don’t interpret themselves.’ Apologist Mary Jo Sharp
calls to mind what Francis Schaeffer called ‘The Final
Apologetic’—ultimately how we live and how we love underscores our
message or erases its impact. There’s a lot here to provoke thought and, by God’s grace, action.”

To get the issue click here.