DEBATE: Does God Exist?
When: Saturday, November 9th, 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Dunham Theater, Morris Cultural Arts Center
7502 Fondren Rd
Houston, TX 77074
Morris Cultural Arts Center:
Campus Map: https://www.hbu.edu/About-HBU/The-Campus/Campus-Map.aspx
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Houston Baptist University Apologetics Department
First Evangelical Church Houston
Reasonable Faith Houston
Confident Christianity
Houston Baptist University Ratio Christi
*Location has changed to HBU

Lee Strobel Interviews Mary Jo Sharp
Christianity Apologetics Ministry, Mary Jo Sharp is passionate about
enlisting more women in defending the faith. In this interview, she
describes how she’s finding a very receptive audience as she speaks at
women’s ministries around the country:
publicly involved with apologetics. However, from my interaction with
women at conferences, I have found a few repeating thoughts on the
and/or they are not sure of its relevance to their life. Women in the
church need to understand the importance of apologetics and its
potential impact. I’ve found that once women’s groups are aptly
introduced to the subject, they have some of the most impassioned
responses to the material. It’s not so much of a lack of desire as a
lack of proper introduction. Click for the rest of the interview

So, They Asked Me To Be A Professor…
“Welcome. This is an exciting time in the life of Houston Baptist University (HBU). Since its founding
in 1960, the University has grown into a thriving community of faith
and scholarship…HBU is taking steps to become a leading institution for Christian higher education in America.
From its home in the heart of Houston, Texas, one of the nation’s
largest and most diverse metropolitan areas, HBU provides a learning
experience that instills in students a passion for academic, spiritual,
and professional excellence. This mission serves as the driving force
behind our continued efforts to enrich the total student life
By enhancing our campus facilities, strengthening our rigorous liberal
arts core curriculum, expanding our graduate program offerings, and
competing in NCAA Division I athletics, HBU is uniquely positioned to
serve both undergraduate and graduate students seeking an excellent
Thank you for your interest in HBU. I hope you will take the opportunity to drop by and visit
the HBU campus to experience firsthand all of the wonderful things the
University has to offer. Our faculty, staff and students are ready to
greet you.
Dr. Robert B. Sloan, Jr.
Houston Baptist University”
I have accepted the position of Assistant Professor beginning this fall at HBU! More on this in a later blog post, but let me say that I whole-heartedly support President Sloan and incoming Provost John Mark Reynolds. Along with new professor, Holly Ordway (pictured with me on campus), I find that HBU is the place to be!