In Defense of the Bible – July 1st

In Defense of the Bible – July 1st

“In Defense of the Bible,” for which I’m a contributing author, released today July 1st! Woohoo! 

Other contributing authors include:
Daniel B. Wallace, William A. Dembski, Paul Copan, Darrell L. Bock, Craig A. Blaising, R. Douglas Geivett, Steven B. Cowan, Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Douglas K. Blount, Terry L. Wilder, and more!

In Defense of the Bible is a substantive and scholarly work. It provides a clear and comprehensive treatment of the critical issues related to the Holy Scriptures. This book will serve the church well.” – Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Check it out on Amazon and grab a copy.

Is There A Higher Power?

Is There A Higher Power?

Watch on Ion TV this Sunday!

“What Jesus Said About God: Is There a Higher Power?” a program that I participated in, will
broadcast this weekend, Sunday, August 26, 2012. Following is a brief
description of the program:

to Jerusalem and examine the words of Jesus that reveal the existence
of God. Join host Mart DeHaan and several authorities as they engage in a
captivating discussion. Gain insights into reasons for belief and
unbelief in God. Discover whether you have reason to believe not only
what Jesus said about God, but also what He said about himself as being
equal to God.

a reminder Day of Discovery can be seen on Ion TV Sundays at 7:30 a.m.
Eastern and Pacific, and 6:30 a.m. Central and Mountain time. A listing
of local station air times can be found by visiting the website at and
following the “Where to Watch” link in the left column. Additionally,
the program is available to view at no cost via the website, as soon as
it airs.


What Jesus Said About Resurrection (Re-Airing)

What Jesus Said About Resurrection (Re-Airing)

Day of Discovery has a 2-part series entitled, “What Jesus Said About Resurrection.” I was interviewed mainly for my research of the pagan myths as you
will hear in the video. For more in-depth details about the pagan myth argument, please see my chapter in the new book: “Come Let Us Reason” -editors William Lane Craig and Paul Copan.  The Day of Discovery episodes will be re-airing on Sunday, April 1st (Part 1) and Sunday, April 8th (Part 2) on ION TV.  
Following is a brief description of the program:

to Israel with Mart DeHaan and hear from scholars and authorities in
the field of New Testament studies as they explore Jesus’ claims and
examine the evidence for his resurrection. In this 2-part DVD, you’ll
see Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified and buried, and Bethany where,
according to the Gospels, he was last seen on earth. Decide for yourself
whether or not the resurrection of Jesus is the single most important
event in history.

As a reminder Day of
can be seen on Ion TV Sundays at 7:30 a.m. Eastern and Pacific, and 6:30
a.m. Central and Mountain time. A
listing of local station air times can be found by visiting the Web site at
and following the
“Where to Watch” link in the left column. Additionally, the program is available to view at no cost via their Web site.

BookWatch – 2 Apologetics Book Recommendations

BookWatch – 2 Apologetics Book Recommendations

Five Sacred Crossings: A Novel Approach to a Reasonable Faith is due out in January of 2008. I was given the opportunity to preview the book and I was quite impressed. In fact, I read the entire book in one night! The author, Dr. Craig Hazen, is the director of the apologetics program at Biola University (my school). He has written a book that fulfills the need for a modern-day Christian apologetic told through a delightful story. I recommend this book for every person interested in seeking truth; I strongly recommend it for those who may be a bit intimidated by apologetics but still want to “get their feet wet” in the important area of defending the faith.

For information on pre-ordering click here.
Faith, Film, and Philosophy: Big Ideas on the Big Screen is a book that addresses the subject of the philosophy behind individual movies. Every movie entails a message that is powerfully conveyed through this most influential form of media. As quoted from the Faith, Film, and Philosophy website: “The fourteen essays of Faith, Film and Philosophy explore big ideas as they are treated on the big screen. The book explores classic and contemporary films, together with several major philosophical themes, all from a Christian perspective….Faith, Film and Philosophy is a virtual film festival for all who wish to nurture the wonder of philosophical inquiry and the love of Christian theology through an engagement with big ideas on the big screen.” The authors are Dr. R. Douglas Geivett, Professor of Philosophy, Biola University and Dr. James S. Spiegel, Professor of Philosophy at Taylor University.
For information on ordering click here.