Distorted View Of Reality?

As I was preparing to speak at a conference this weekend, I was really impacted by one of the topics we will address: Christian Doctrine and the View of the Self. I know the title sounds a bit broad, but the material will cover how the Christian doctrines of creation, fall, and redemption actually play out in our current lives. My last post on the Christian university and worldview had a similar line of thinking. Are we, as Christians, learning doctrines as somewhat intangible, lofty ideals or are we taking into consideration what each doctrine entails for our individual lives and our lives within the human community? Are we working through how these doctrines effect our daily lives? Let me state it one more way: If Christianity is true, what effect does its truthfulness have on our lives? I believe that if Christianity is true then a lack of understanding of the doctrines and themes of the Christian faith would leave us with a distorted view of reality. What do you think?
