Empower Evangelism Conference 2008

Empower Evangelism Conference 2008

Don Cass, director of evangelism for the Southern-
Baptists of Texas, presenting the apologetics certificate
at the general session.

Discussing the evangelism resources available from NAMB.

Our booth at the conference.

Apologetics discussion with the Southwestern-
Baptist Theological Seminary representative.

“The Certificate.” I am a fully certified apologetics

The Texas Empower Evangelism Conference was truly a wonderful experience. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to speak with me. I was especially encouraged by those seeking more information about NAMB’s Certified Apologetics Instructor program!

My husband and I nearly lost our voices by Wednesday… I’m guessing you could say we talked too much; but what great conversations! Thank you, again, Southern Baptists of Texas for such a great opportunity and for your desire to “be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15)


Apologetics Certification to be Received at Evangelism Conference

Apologetics Certification to be Received at Evangelism Conference

We have some really great news here at Confident Christianity! At the 2008 Southern Baptists of Texas Empower Evangelism Conference, Mary Jo will be recognized as one of the first people – and the first woman – to complete the North American Mission Board Certified Apologetics Instructor training. This is quite an honor to be presented with the certificate at the conference. Mary Jo will be at the North American Mission Board Evangelism booth, promoting all departments of evangelism at NAMB. Also, she will specifically handle any questions regarding the Certified Apologetics Instructor program which is open to SBC ministers and lay people interested in apologetics. The conference is February 4-6 at First Baptist Church of Euless, Texas. For more information click here.
To learn more about the NAMB Certified Apologetics Instructor program click here.
Special thanks to all of those who have aided MJ in this process!