Minimal Facts Approach – Fact #4

Minimal Facts Approach – Fact #4

This post is a continuation of a series of posts by Mary Jo on the Minimal Facts Approach.

Fact #4 – Jesus’ tomb was empty

1) The Jerusalem Factor
2) Enemy attestation
3) The testimony of women

The Jerusalem Factor

Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. His empty tomb and his resurrection were proclaimed there first. If Jesus’ body had still been in the tomb, why did no one go get the body and drag it through the streets of the city to shut down the Christian movement that so angered the Jewish officials? This would not be an easy task but it would be worth getting rid of a blasphemous group of rebels. Furthermore, an occupied tomb would at least have dissuaded enough of the believers to merit some apologetic attention on this matter. However, no apologetic work can be found on an occupied tomb by any of the apostles or even second or third century Christian writers: Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Polycarp, Ignatius, and Origen (to name a few). There is a strong possibility they would have reasoned a defense for an empty tomb, as demonstrated in their reasoning of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, if they had needed to do so. In addition, no work on the tomb from early Christian opposition can be found, such as Celsus, the second century Christian critic.[i]

Enemy Attestation

If testimony about an event or person is given by a source who does not sympathize with the person, message or cause that benefits from the affirmation, then there is reason to believe the testimony’s authenticity. The empty tomb can be found either implicitly or explicitly stated in the works of Josephus, Justin Martyr’s “Dialogue with Trypho,” Tertullian’s “On Spectacles,” and in the Jewish Toledoth (a derogatory version of Jesus’ life in Jewish tradition).

In the Jewish Toledoth:
“On the first day of the week his bold followers came to Queen Helene with the report that he who was slain was truly the Messiah and that he was not in his grave; he had ascended to heaven as he prophesied. Diligent search was made and he was not found in the grave where he had been buried. A gardener had taken him from the grave and had brought him into his garden and buried him in the sand over which the waters flowed into the garden.[ii]

In Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho:

You have sent chosen and ordained men throughout all the world to proclaim that a godless and lawless heresy had sprung from one Jesus, a Galilaean deceiver, whom we crucified, but his disciples stole him by night from the tomb, where he was laid when unfastened from the cross, and now deceive men by asserting that he has risen from the dead and ascended to heaven.” [iii]

Even to imply that Jesus was raised or that his tomb was empty is certainly damaging to the case against the resurrection if reasoning from the offensive.

Testimony of Women

If I had an intention of creating a story to make myself (or my story) look good, I would most likely not include information that would be damaging or embarrassing to the credibility of my story. By that standard, it would be an odd invention to have the women as the first witnesses of the empty tomb. In the accounts of the empty tomb, the women are exactly that, the first witnesses, in all four gospel accounts. This report would most likely be damaging to the case for the empty tomb when taken in context of the first century socio-cultural norms. The testimony of a woman was not regarded as highly as the testimony of a man. Habermas and Licona quote a few Jewish writings on this matter:

Sooner let the words of the Law be burnt than delivered to women. (Talmud, Sotah 19a)
But let not the testimony of women be admitted, on account of the levity and boldness of their sex…..; since it is probable that they may not speak truth, either out of hope of gain, or fear of punishment. (Joshephus, Antiquities 4.8.15)

Any evidence which a woman [gives] is not valid (to offer), also they are not valid to offer. This is equivalent to saying that one who is Rabbinically accounted a robber is qualified to give the same evidence as a woman. (Talmud, Rosh Hashannah 1.8)[iv]
Why would the gospel writers include women as the number one witnesses to the empty tomb when it would behoove their cause to use men instead? The reason would be because they were reporting the truth; embarrassing as that may be.

These three factors contribute to the case for an empty tomb. Though the empty tomb is conceded by 75%[v] of scholars who write on the Resurrection (versus 95% or better on the other 3 facts), this is still an impressive number for the empty tomb case. Again, the empty tomb is a historically probable event that needs to be explained when discussing the evidences surrounding the Resurrection.


[i] Habermas, Gary. Mike Licona. The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus. Grand Rapids, Kregel Publications: 2004. pg. 71.

[ii] Accessed December 1, 2006.

[iii] The Second Apology of Justin for the Christians: Addressed to the Roman Senate. The Medieval Sourcebook, Fordham University. Accessed December 2, 2006.

[iv] Habermas. Licona. pg. 72. All three quotes were taken from The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus.

[v] Ibid. pg. 70.

© Mary Jo Sharp 2007

Part Two – In Search for the Truth

Part Two – In Search for the Truth

Why should you read the Bible in search for the truth? “If you are an intelligent person, you will read the one book that has drawn more attention than any other.”[1] It is unique in nature and the one book that is relevant to everyday life, although it was written centuries ago.

Webster defines being unique as “being the only one” or “being without a like or equal.”[2] The Bible stands alone in its accuracy of translation. “Not only does the New Testament text have far superior evidence for reliability than the classics, but it also is in better textual shape than the thirty-seven plays of William Shakespeare written in the seventeenth century, after the invention of the printing.”[3] As well as the fact that it was written on three continents and in three different languages.

The Bible is also unique in the fact that it has survived attacks that have tried to burn it, ban it and outlaw it throughout history. Of course, this is no surprise to God since it is consistent with His Word. “The sum of your Word is truth, and every one of your righteous ordinances is everlasting” (Psalm 119:160). Cleland B. McAfee penned it this way, “if every Bible in any considerable city were destroyed, the Book could be restored in all its essential parts from the quotations on the shelves of the city public library.”[4]

Relevance is another unique factor of the Bible. Although it was written centuries ago, it speaks to daily practical application. For example, it speaks to finances, sickness, child rearing as well as, who am I, why do I exist and what will happen after this life?

You may have the question, how can I find the truth in the midst of the Bible that lacks chronological order. Of course, it may appear this way if you are opening the Bible for the first time, but think of this thought. “If God wants the Bible to be a book that interests and challenges people around the globe for their whole lives, that guides us into life’s deep mysteries, that trains us to see the world from diverse points of view and in so doing, stretches us to not be so limited by our own inherited point of view then of course it can’t be like the phone book or a high school biology textbook. If God wants the book to be an authentic medium of spiritual enlightenment and instruction, then how can it be a book that we feel we can fully grasp, have control over, take pride in our knowledge of, feel competent in regards to.”[5] Instead, it is brought about by a wonderful creator whose ways are higher than our ways.

In conclusion, in your search for truth you can find that the Bible is unique and one of a kind that bleeds truths through every page for the meaning of life and the practical living of life. Are you one opposing the truth before ever reading it?

“Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heeds the things which are written in it; for the time is near.”
The Apostle John from the book of Revelation


[1] McDowell, Josh and Wilson, Bill, The Best of Josh McDowell “A Ready Defense”Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville TN. 1993.
[2] Webster’s Dictionary
[3] McDowell, Josh and Wilson, Bill, The Best of Josh McDowell “A Ready Defense”Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville TN. 1993.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Newman, Randy. Questioning Evangelism. Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids MI. 2004.

The Universal Solution

The Universal Solution

Today in the world you can find a gamut of problems. All you have to do is watch reality T.V. or sports games to identify the anger and behavioral problems of today. Of course the list goes on with lying, cheating, stealing and then some in all parts of our world today. “Human beings, all over the world have this curious idea that they ought to behave in a certain way, and cannot really get rid of it.”[1] Therefore, these behaviors are sought to be cured. It is interesting that Psychology identifies itself as having a solution for many of these problems or what they would call disorders. However, their solutions are usually medication with a short lived plan.

Naturally, one can not deny that there are problems, but what is the root of these problems? What is it that causes us to lash out at people, lie to others or cheat in our business life?

The problem is that that we desire to serve ourselves and not the one true God. People crave to serve their own desires or label them as disorders instead of claiming to the truth that it is their sinful heart inside of themselves that is leading. People since the beginning of time have always wanted to blame others.

Nevertheless, “there must be a universal solution, if there is a universal problem”[2]. The solution is a heart transplant, not one from a medical doctor, but from God through Jesus Christ.

Have you had a heart transplant? The answers for life and godliness have been given to you through the Bible. Are you seeking solutions to survive in this life or the solutions that will make you thrive even through eternity?

“Cast away from you all your transgressions which you have committed and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.” Ezekiel 18:31


[1] Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
[2] Sermon Preaching on Luke 2, The Universal Solution is Christ, Pastor Mark DeMoss

Which will you believe in, fairytales or truth?

Which will you believe in, fairytales or truth?

During this Christmas season many people around the world will spend much of their time trying to convince and persuade children to believe in Santa. They will go to malls and take pictures with a stranger in a red suit persuading their children this is the man who leaves gifts at their house each year. They will watch movies telling young ones to “make sure you are good” enough to make it on the good list in order to receive great things under the Christmas Tree. They will even go as far as setting out milk and cookies the night of Christmas Eve for this man in a red suit. This man will receive much praise this Christmas season because children are told that he leaves them gifts under the tree.

However, I would argue that there is one greater than the man in the red suit who really deserves the recognition for Christmas. This is a man of truth and not a man of a fabricated story.

Have you ever sought for the truth? What do you believe about truth? Is there really truth out there or do we need to live in a land of fairytales?

Yes, there is real truth and there is evidence of truth? Yes, there is a man of truth named Jesus and He is much greater than a myth. Take a look at some of the evidence.
· Thousands of years ago this man’s birth was announced before He was born.
· The exact place where He was born was given before it happened.
· It was told that He would save the people
· It was written that He was the one who would pay for the things they did wrong.

There is no evidence for Santa? There is no evidence for his eight tiny reindeer and yet, many will spend time trying to convince others that he is real. On the other hand, there is a mountain of evidence that Jesus is the truth. Which one will you seek this Christmas?

“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The words of Jesus from an eye witness account of John