6 thoughts on “Should We Study Apologetics?

  1. Hi Mary Jo–

    Interesting site.

    Can you recommend any Christian apologetics blogs that engage in dialog with atheists? Many Christian blogs seem to be directed towards other Christians (yours, for instance). I post regularly to Ray Comfort's site, but if you've ever seen Ray in action on Huntington Beach, well…just watch a few YouTube clips of him and you'll get the idea. Speaking from an atheist's perspective, it's kind of like trying to have a reasonable discussion with Billy Mays.

    Many thanks!

  2. I'll take your silence as a "no."

    Christians, I think Mary Jo is demonstrating yet another approach to apologetics. In this case, it could be summed up as "Ignore 'em 'till they go away…"

  3. Captain Howdy,

    You could try CARM's blog at http://carmorg.blogspot.com or the debate forum at htpp://www.theologyweb.com.

    On another note, I checked your blog. Your profile states that you have more than 34 contributors. I am a one-person-show here at CC. So, I'm going to take a bit longer to respond than blogs with many people contributing. The sites posted above have numerous contributors.

    Now, considering your take on my philosophy: It could also follow that because I have many sites and activities, of which I am the sole contributor, I don't get to responding as quickly as other sites.


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