As many of you may have noticed, over the last few months I have not written any blogs. Fortunately this has been due to God refining me in the ministry of the home and church. It is said best through the Word of God “there is an appointed time for everything”[i]. My appointed time for the next semester will be finishing school, training my children in apologetics and teaching within my church. I will continue to pray for Mary Jo, my sister in Christ and dear friend. I know MJ will continue to encourage, train and equip the saints, while sharing Christ with the world. I am honored to have had the privilege to work along side her. I have enjoyed the journey of this blogging season and all of the dialogue, but for now I will no longer be blogging. I look forward to the changes in the days ahead and for now I say to all the brethren, continue walking in a manner worthy of the calling.
[i] Ecclesiastes 3:1