I recently viewed The Apologetics Group’s production, “The Real Jesus,” an informative DVD response to the Peter Jennings special report in 2000 on “The Search for Jesus.” This nearly two-and-a-half hour DVD is packed with answers to the current attacks on the historical Jesus; including 1) the reliability of the New Testament, 2) the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, 3) Jesus’ claims of Deity, 4) the case against Christian borrowing of pagan myths, and 5) the skepticism from within the Church. “The Real Jesus” producers also demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the history of the arguments against Christianity, specifically with regard to how individual arguments began, who began the arguments, and how these arguments developed over time. Another helpful aspect of the DVD is the charts utilized to visually aide in comprehending the wealth of information presented. One of the charts is a representation of the continuous claim for the authority of the New Testament from the time of its authorship to Eusebius in the fourth century. This is a powerful reminder of the amount of writings available to us for historical investigation from just the first few centuries, let alone the rest of history! And there is still much more to this DVD. The Apologetics Group has put together a great resource at an accessible level. The explanations are thorough, yet easy to follow, as the presenters tackle seven myths concerning Christianity. I definitely recommend “The Real Jesus” for those seeking to answer modern skepticism about the person of Jesus Christ. For more information on purchasing “The Real Jesus,” click here.