On the video shelves of blockbuster you can find the movie called “Amazing Grace.” This movie portrays the life of William Wilberforce and his diligent persistence to outlaw plantation slavery within the British colonies. Although Wilberforce condemned slavery in a speech to parliament in 1789, it was not until the final hours before his death in 1833 that the final passage of the emancipation bill was drafted by the House of Commons. It was through his great persistence of sowing seeds of truth among the people that a fruitful harvest of freedom among the slaves grew. So, what seeds are you planting that will encourage growth in the truth around you?

Jesus, explained in Matthew 8, that the seed worth sowing is the Word of God in which those who hear it and receive it will produce a crop.

In our world today it is obvious that many people are planting crops of sarcasm, disobedience and immorality just to name a few, but what are you planting each day?

We are called to plant the Word of God throughout all of life. In this I mean that when someone wants to hate, we want to encourage them to love, when someone wants to be jealous, we want to encourage them to champion for the glory of God in the lives of others. When someone wants to gossip, we want to remind them that all people were created by God and Christians are called to be peace makers.

It is often that I receive phone calls from people who will ask the question, “what shall I do during a difficult situation they are encountering.” During those opportune times we are given the unbelievable opportunity to have the Word of God, which will give us the principles to deal with all of the life situations. However, it is up to us whether or not we choose to plant seeds from the Word of God or from the system of the world, which more often than not is one of “my way or the highway theme.” Through God’s Word we can point people in life to choosing the wise way.

It was through the life of Wilberforce, that he never gave up his efforts to point people to the right way in life, he sowed seeds of hope, life and freedom for the slaves. If you are someone who knows Christ personally because you have repented of your sin and have received him as your savior, then you too can point people to truth by sowing God’s word in your life. However, if you have not yet begun a relationship with Jesus Christ through repentance in order that you might live eternally in peace, then I urge you to read the Word of God. Allow God’s glory to shine through you today and you too can begin to plant seeds that can bring a harvest of pleasant fruit.

Luke 8:15 “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word,, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”

What type of Crop will you leave in this life?


7 thoughts on “Never Stop Sowing Seeds

  1. I have no issues with working hard in the fields. Planting seeds should be done properly. I have more concerns with those that are running the HUGE field tractors! (When you run a machine it does not plant or water or harvest every opportunity in a field) Those that cover a lot of ground but what about those missed possibilities missed due to “the big picture”. Huge does not mean better or more quality. Shouldn’t we be concerned about the emotional well being…..the growth…..the weeds…..of the missed opportunities?
    When tending the fields I prefer quality over quantity any day!

    Thanx for the blog!

  2. Travis,
    Thanks for the comment. It is a great work for the Kingdom when believers follow the approach Jesus lived by and commanded in Matthew 28:16-20, we should be making disciples and teaching. We should also be aware of where we are in the process with each person, as Paul stated “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow (1Cor. 3:6). Therefore, I am thankful for the ones who cast out many seeds because God has given them favor to do so, though I am also grateful to the ones who water and care for the day to day needs. Ultimately, it is the body of Christ working together for the greater good that God may grow all who call on His name.
    Press on in the faith and continue your discipling process God has given you.
    Walk in a manner worthy of the calling,

  3. A quick scan of mainstream Christianity tells me that God should fire his middle managers.

    Anyway, I have a question about a scripture as was wondering what your thoughts are.

    “1 Corinthians 14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.”

    I can only read this one way. The message seems grim. Really, if this doesn’t mean exactly what it says then what on earth does it mean?

  4. Gap,
    Good question and one that can be easily assessed when examined within its context. First, this passage is directly speaking to the gift of tongues. It is for a man to prophesize in the church. The women must have been inquiring so much that it was disturbing the services therefore they should wait until they get home to inquire of their husbands.
    Second, Paul speaks to the church in 1 Cor. 12 and Romans 12, regarding gifts of believers within the church (he does not exclude women in this passage, remember he had fellow workers that were women named Priscilla, Euodia, and Syntyche), although women are not meant to Shepherd a church there are places for women to serve in the church. It might be helpful for you to read through some good commentaries such as “The New Testament and its Background” by Thomas D. Lea and Black or another great resource is “Recovering Biblical “Mandhood and Womanhood” by Piper and Grudem. These authors do excellent exegesis of the Scripture and they state ” Lastly, Women who have the gift of teaching, writing or counseling are not outside the boundaries of the Biblical interpretation of Scripture, you might want to note all the women within Scripture as well as defining their responsibilities, it might give you more insight into the question you are seeking to understand. “The church is in great need of women who are theologically and Biblically sound to instruct younger women in the matters of faith” (Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood). Thanks for the question. Press on in the faith that you may accurately handle the Word of God.

  5. The problem of evil has become too compelling and I can no longer ignore it, especially when my own experiences substantiate the whole argument. So that said, I don’t have anything much to handle since I’m pretty sure at this point that either God doesn’t exist at all or he’s simply catering to favorites; favorites being those who are willing to justify God’s actions, or lack thereof. Sorry for the confusion.

  6. gap,

    I, too, have looked alot into the problem of evil, yet I have not found it compelling enough to rid mankind of God’s existence. Could I ask you to further explain your conclusion in reference to the problem of evil? And I do not mean to in any way undermine the relevance of your personal experience.

    Thanks so much,

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