My debate with Ehteshaam Gulam from has been posted on

Again, thanks to Ehteshaam and to David and Nabeel for making the debate possible.

If you’d like to see a larger version, go to


*Note: There have been two working titles for this debate, “Was Jesus Crucified?” and “Did Jesus Die on the Cross?” They are the same debate.

7 thoughts on “Mary Jo Sharp vs. Ehteshaam Gulam “Did Jesus Die on the Cross?”

  1. With your focus on apologetics may you always remember that salvation is of the Lord. It is not a mental decision that one can be talked into by way of clever arguments. It is the supernatural work of God where by fallen man beholds the Christ, the lamb of God, and effectually believes onto salvation.

    God bless you guys in HIM!


  2. Jim,

    I have never thought differently. 🙂

    Apologetics is one way to engage the rational mind God has given us as part of being made in His image.

    Thanks for your comment! Grace and peace to you, brother.


  3. Jim,

    Thank you for your comments. I'm always surprised by comments separating apologetics from salvation. As I read Paul's letters (among other things), I find apologetics and salvation to be inseparable.

    After 14 years of full-time ministry, Mary Jo and I have had many opportunities to lead all ages to the Lord. There is no greater joy in our lives….

    Roger Sharp
    Confident Christianity

  4. Roger,

    Well said. I to struggle with comments that attempt to separate apologetics and salvation. Whenever someone presents this type of claim to me, I usually ask them the following:

    Which option do you believe would be better recieved? 1. Preach the gospel (this is a great thing; THE thing!) 2. Preach the gospel and then give some evidential reasons as to why it's true and actually happened!

    To me, 2 is the obvious choice. As J.P. Moreland has rightly put it, it should be a "both/and."

    Keep up the good work and I look forward to watching/listening to the debate.


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