Mary Jo Sharp is equipping more and more women to defend their faith – and finding an increasingly enthusiastic response.
A professor of apologetics and founder of Confident
Christianity Apologetics Ministry, Mary Jo Sharp is passionate about
enlisting more women in defending the faith. In this interview, she
describes how she’s finding a very receptive audience as she speaks at
women’s ministries around the country:
• Why has there traditionally been a shortage of women in the field of apologetics?
I don’t have any statistical research on why women are not as
publicly involved with apologetics. However, from my interaction with
women at conferences, I have found a few repeating thoughts on the
1) They’ve never been introduced to the field of apologetics before
and/or they are not sure of its relevance to their life. Women in the
church need to understand the importance of apologetics and its
potential impact. I’ve found that once women’s groups are aptly
introduced to the subject, they have some of the most impassioned
responses to the material. It’s not so much of a lack of desire as a
lack of proper introduction.  Click for the rest of the interview