Many thanks to our friends at Acts17 Apologetics for posting the debate video for us, which can be viewed HERE. Mary Jo and I hope you gain many insights and will consider both sides of the argument no matter where you may stand on the issues. Overall, we believe you will be pleased with the civility and level of knowledge of both of these fine debaters as they looked at Women in the Qur’an and the Bible.

Be sure and link to “Answering Muslims” as you spread the word about the video. This is much appreciated. Also, both debaters would LOVE YOUR FEEDBACK. Please leave civil comments and try not to be too preachy.



TO SEE THE VIDEO, CLICK HERE. (Posted Feb. 22nd)
TO DONATE (the debate wiped out our ministry funds!) CLICK HERE.

Debate – Quick Report

Debate – Quick Report

Here is a pic of Mary Jo Sharp, MA and Tabasum Hussain, PhD. immediately following the debate. The nearly 3 hour debate took place in Scarborough, Ontario with nearly 300 people in attendance. Most of the attendees (about 90%) were Muslim. The others were Christians and Atheists. Some of the Christians drove from Quebec City (about 5 hours)! Mary Jo met them while in Michigan in June. The atheists (possible agnostic 🙂 are friends from Facebook who drove about 2 hours simply to ‘check out the debate.’ The scope of the debate topic, “Women: The Bible and The Qu’ran,” brought with it a wide-range of considerations for both debaters. Each debater was well-versed in both sides of the argument offering eloquent and succinct assessments. This being Dr. Hussain’s first debate, I believe she will do well in the future with other debates. Mary Jo entered having only one other debate behind her. She too excelled and brought sound arguments with a persuasive style.

We travel back to Houston tomorrow. I hope to be able to provide at least a sound byte of the video for you…….I did not bring my fire wire with me! Hopefully a picture will do for now. For those of you on Facebook, check out the Fan Page “Confident Christianity” for more pics.

More to come!

Roger Sharp

*UPDATE* May 20th, 2010 – The NORTH AMERICAN MUSLIM FOUNDATION offers a Review of the Debate.

Unity of the Spirit

Unity of the Spirit

In his book (*essay), The Mark of a Christian, Francis Schaeffer includes a small tidbit on the love of believers for one another that packs a powerful punch. He quotes John 17:21 and calls this passage “the final apologetic”:

“Now comes the sobering part. Jesus goes on in this 21st verse to say something that always causes me to cringe. If as Christians we do not cringe, it seems to me we are not very sensitive or very honest, because Jesus here gives us the final apologetic. What is the final apologetic? ‘That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.’ This is the final apologetic. Now that is frightening.” (pg. 15)

How will the world know Jesus was sent by God? By the observable love demonstrated for one another as part of the reality of God’s love at work in them. In our process of training and equipping Christians, we must not forget to teach them that Christian behavior and attitude cannot be separated out from their knowledge of God. Christians must cover two general “why” questions: “why do you believe in God,” and also “why would anyone want to believe in God.” Jesus and Paul both gave reasons for belief in God and demonstrated the love that naturally flows from the truth of those reasons. One quick reference is Jesus feeding 4,000 people who had come to hear him teach before he sent them away. In the book of Mark 8, verses 2-3, Jesus says, “I feel compassion for the people because they have remained with me now three days and have nothing to eat. If I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way; and some of them have come from a great distance.” Care and concern for the followers of Christ go hand and hand with teaching them, which translates into powerful testimony to those who are observing.

I doubted my belief in God specifically due to the lack of love, compassion, mercy, and concern for one another in the church. I realized, though, these problems relate directly to the nature of man. In order to fault the belief system, I was going to have to evidence that fault in the actual text. So I went back to the text and found that those who caused me to doubt what I believed were not acting in accordance with what I read in the Scriptures. In James 4:11, “Do not speak against one another” and in Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Further in Ephesians, chapter four, the believers are admonished to grow in the knowledge of God for the purpose of achieving unity in Christ. Yes, there are also admonitions to discipline the body of Christ (the believers), but it is for the purpose of reconciliation! Jesus left no loopholes in the kind of love and mercy that we are to demonstrate. He goes well beyond the church body with his love to those who are actually enemies of the church, telling us to love our enemies. (Luke 6:27). If we are commanded to love our enemies, how much more should we be demonstrating love for the members of the body of Christ? Jesus said this is the way the world will know he is God’s Son.

Yet, are we more concerned with methods of evangelism, or missions, or discipleship than we are with the unity of the Spirit? So much so, that we will even slander a fellow Christian’s name if we disagree with their approach…doing so in the name of God’s love? Brethren, this should not be so. Criticism can be a great learning tool spurring one another on in love and encouraging one another to grow up and mature in Christ. However, slanderous behavior is unacceptable according to the Scriptures. Jesus staked his witness on the unity of the believers (John 17:21-24). That should, as Schaeffer said, cause us to cringe: “We cannot expect the world to believe that the Father sent the Son, that Jesus’ claims are true, and that Christianity is true, unless the world sees some reality of the oneness of true Christians.” (pg. 15)

Perhaps today you could take a moment to evaluate your interaction with and your thoughts about the members of the body of Christ…yes, the whole crew of them.


*The source used for Schaeffer’s writing referenced his work as a “book,” but the more appropriate term would be “essay.” This was pointed out by a CC fan.

Oklahoma State Evangelism Conference 2010

Oklahoma State Evangelism Conference 2010

Kelly Minter, Mary Jo Sharp and Robin Marsh will lead out in the Women’s Emphasis of the Oklahoma State Evangelism Conference January 26th.

The event will take place at First Baptist Church Moore, Oklahoma.

Click here for a detailed schedule and more information.


Mary Jo Sharp, M.A. Debates Tabasum Hussain, PhD. February 2010

Mary Jo Sharp, M.A. Debates Tabasum Hussain, PhD. February 2010

Mary Jo Sharp, M.A. of Confident Christianity Apologetics Ministry will be formally debating Tabasum Hussain, PhD. of The Muslim Debate Initiative. The debate will take place in Scarborough, Ontario (Toronto) on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20th at 5:30pm.

Debate Topic: “Women: The Qur’an and The Bible”

Mary Jo Sharp is a former atheist from the Pacific Northwest who thought religion was for the weak-minded. She now holds a Masters in Christian Apologetics from Biola University and is the first woman to become a Certified Apologetics Instructor through the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Mary Jo has spoken to numerous groups, including audiences of over 1,000 people. Some of her speaking engagements include: The Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma State and Youth Evangelism Conferences, the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia Youth Evangelism Conference, The Southern Baptists of Texas Evangelism and Leadership Conferences, and the Evangelical Theological Society National Conference. Mary Jo administrates the website, Confident Christianity, and the Facebook group, Two Chix Apologetics, where she engages people from around the world in dialogue concerning the truth of Christianity.

Dr. Hussain. Born and raised in London, England, she acquired a BSc(HONS) in Biological Sciences at the University of Westminster, an MSc in Advanced Neuroscience at University College London, and lived in Australia for six years acquiring a PhD in Psychological Medicine (Neuroscience) at Monash University, Victoria. Recently settled with family in Toronto, Canada. Outside of her profession she has developed an interest over the years in Muslim-Christian Apologetics. Dr. Hussain has recently become a member of the Muslim Debate Initiative to become more involved in debate/dialogue focusing on women`s issues in the Bible vs the Quran.

Update 2/2/10: We continue to receive donations for this debate beyond our need. We have decided to allow for an honorarium for Mary Jo specifically from these funds as they come in. Thank you for supporting our efforts. To give to our GENERAL BUDGET:

Update 1/28/10: WE MET OUR GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(We ran two campaigns for this event: Facebook and the above Chip In campaign.)

Update 1/27/10: We are running two campaigns to raise the funds for the debate. One here through “Chip In” and one on Facebook on the Debate Fund Raiser page. So far, the two campaigns have nearly raised our necessary funds! WOW! Thanks for supporting us!

Send Roger & Mary Jo to Toronto, Canada for Mary Jo’s debate with Dr. Hussain! We are needing to raise $2,206 in order to purchase airline tickets, lodging, local travel and food needs. Mary Jo will not receive an honorarium for this event.

Please consider a tax-deductible donation of $10, $25, $50, $100 or more today!

2010 Preview

2010 Preview

January 26th, 2010
Keynote Speaker
Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma
State Evangelism Conference
Moore, Oklahoma

February 19th-20th
“Women: The Bible And The Quran”
Formal Debate
Toronto, Canada

February 26th-27th
Sagemont’s Inspire Women’s Conference
Moody Gardens Conference Center
Galveston Island, Texas

March 5th-6th
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
Women’s Regional Event
“Redefined Confidence”
Greenwood Baptist Church
Weatherford, Texas

March 13th-14th
Jackson Memorial Baptist Church
Virginia Regional Apologetics Conference and Debate
Chesapeake, Virginia

March 26th-27th
Village Baptist Church
North Carolina Regional Apologetics Conference
Fayetteville, North Carolina

April 16th-17th
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
Missions Mobilization “Sent Conference”
Champion Forest Baptist Church
Houston, Texas

April 30th-May 1st
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
Women’s Regional Event
“Redefined Confidence”
Friendly Baptist Church
Tyler, Texas

Support Confident Christianity Apologetics with an End-Of-Year Donation.

To Donate, click here:


Quick Report on ETS Annual Meeting 2009

Quick Report on ETS Annual Meeting 2009

Roger and I just returned from this year’s Evangelical Theological Society’s Annual Meeting in New Orleans. We were able to see many papers on some great subjects! Here’s a quick sampling of what I attended:

  • An Anti-Naturalist Argument from Beauty – Jim Spiegel and Doug Geivett
  • Social Ethics for a Social Network: An Unapologetic Presence on Facebook – Roger Sharp
  • Discovering Relief from Our Worst Pain: The View from the Cross and Empty Tomb – Gary Habermas
  • Yet Another Failed Anti-Molinist Argument – William Lane Craig
  • The Bible Among the Myths – John Oswalt
  • Ethical Implications of Islamic Concepts of God – Michael Edens
  • The Text of the Gospels in the Papyri – Daniel Wallace

I also went to a few sessions at two other conferences.

EPS Apologetics Conference:

  • Why Christian Knowledge Matters for Your Mind, Your Heart and Your Life – J.P. Moreland
  • Gospel Truth: The Historical Reliability of the Gospels – Craig Keener
  • Diplomacy vs. D-Day: Getting to the Content from the Conversation without the Casualties – Greg Koukl

Society of Biblical Literature Conference:

  • Who is ‘God’ in the New Testament – Larry Hurtado
    Responses by Clint Arnold, Christian Mihut, and Craig Evans

As usual, the annual ETS meeting brings together the finest Christian thinkers from across the world to hash out theology and doctrine, present new ideas, and fellowship with the body of Christ! What an honor and blessing.


EPS Apologetics Conference Instructor

EPS Apologetics Conference Instructor

Mary Jo will be presenting “Is the Story of Christ a Copy of the Pagan Mystery Stories?” Saturday, November 21st at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (Sellers Recital Hall) from 10:50 – 11:45am. Come to the earlier session (9:45-10:40) and catch Mike Licona of the North American Mission Board or Sean McDowell for the Youth Track. Come at 8:30 and catch Greg Koukl of Stand To Reason Ministries.

The EPS/ETS and EPS Apologetics Conference has been packed with great knowledge and concern for the lost. The connection between Apologetics & Evangelism is striking. Make plans to attend next year’s conference in Atlanta!
