Resurrection Sunday, Hope Eternal

Resurrection Sunday, Hope Eternal

photo-1458593140930-1f9049c952c1There is only one way to defeat death, and that is through life.

In writing to a group of persecuted Christians, the apostle Peter offers this encouragement:  “Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? 14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.”  

Peter instructs that part of honoring Christ as holy entails that we should always be prepared to make a defense (a case) for the reason of the hope in us. What is the hope that Peter describes here? Is it wishful thinking; as in, “Wouldn’t it be nice if money grew on trees?” Is it akin to our dreams for something we desire to come true; as in, “I hope I get to be an astronaut someday?” or “I hope my team advances in the NCAA basketball tournament?” No, this is a different hope. It is the hope found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Continue reading “Resurrection Sunday, Hope Eternal”

A New Kind of Apologist, Part Four

A New Kind of Apologist, Part Four

Here’s the fourth and final part of Mary Jo’s chapter in “A New Kind of Apologist,” a new book featuring various essays by renown apologists and edited by Sean McDowell. If you missed the first three parts, catch up here,  here and here.

The book is now available to order.

Change Lives

Over the years, when I’ve discussed apologetics with other women, they tend to put apologetics into a category of strictly intellectual inquiry. I’m asked, “How could arguments possibly relate to my spiritual life?” However, the study of apologetics is not strictly an intellectual endeavor; it’s also a part of being transformed into Christlikeness. For a woman to know what she believes and why she believes it can have a tremendous impact on her life. How so? The truth we are investigating is the truth about a person we are in relationship with, the person of Jesus Christ. Our engagement in apologetics always goes back to relationship with Christ. As I grow in my relationship with Christ, I am growing in my spiritual life. Continue reading “A New Kind of Apologist, Part Four”

A New Kind of Apologist, Part Three

A New Kind of Apologist, Part Three

Here’s part three of Mary Jo’s chapter in “A New Kind of Apologist,” a new book featuring various essays by renown apologists and edited by Sean McDowell. If you missed the first two parts, catch up here and here.

The book is now available to order. Stay tuned for the last part of her chapter later this week!

Build Confidence

While we looked previously at what causes doubts, it is worth mentioning a few more influences that tear down confidence in God. Women are constantly barraged with imagery and sound bites from our culture that attack the Christian worldview. Some of the most infective sound bites emanate from the new atheist movement.

“Faith is believing what you know ain’t so.”

“Faith is a lack of critical thinking.”

“Religion is about turning untested belief into unshakeable truth through the power of institutions and the passage of time.”   Continue reading “A New Kind of Apologist, Part Three”

A New Kind of Apologist, Part Two

A New Kind of Apologist, Part Two

Here’s the second part of Mary Jo’s chapter in “A New Kind of Apologist,” a new book featuring various essays by renown apologists and edited by Sean McDowell. If you missed the first part, catch up here.

The book will be released on March 1, 2016 and is currently available for pre-order. Stay tuned for parts three and four of her chapter next week!

Answer Doubt

“A friend once caught me off guard by asking, “Why would a woman want to attend a session on apologetics?” Actually, it had never occurred to me that my gender would be a factor in whether or not I should seek and discover answers to foundational questions about belief in God. Why wouldn’t a woman who had been given a rational mind, as made in the image of God, want to know what she believes and why she believes it? After all, I had come into the field of apologetics through my own doubt about God’s existence. And yet, the question was laid out before me. Continue reading “A New Kind of Apologist, Part Two”

A New Kind of Apologist, Part One

A New Kind of Apologist, Part One

We have exciting news! Mary Jo recently teamed up with Sean McDowell and many other well-known apologists and wrote a chapter to the forthcoming book, A New Kind of Apologist. Holly Ordway, a colleague of Mary Jo’s at HBU, is also a contributor.9780736966054

This book is the new go-to resource for effectively defending the Christian faith in our changing culture. In it you’ll discover important topics often ignored by apologists, such as transgender issues, religious freedom and the intersection of economics and apologetics. McDowell introduces a new kind of apologetics that is relational, gracious, and holistic. It will be released on March 1, 2016 and is currently available for pre-order.

Pre-order your copy today and read the introduction from Mary Jo’s chapter, titled “Why More Women Should Study Apologetics,” below:

“I had just finished a talk on conversational apologetics when I noticed four women off to the side of the platform, apparently wanting to discuss the topic further. As soon as I gave them the word, the anxious questioning unfolded.

“What do I say to my son?” one woman began. “He was an active church member in junior high and high school. After a year in college, he’s now proclaiming himself an atheist.”

“My spouse is doubting that God exists,” the second woman said. “He thinks the church may be a cult. How should I respond?” Continue reading “A New Kind of Apologist, Part One”

Confident Christianity Celebrates 10 Years in Ministry!

Confident Christianity Celebrates 10 Years in Ministry!

Ten years ago, while earning my degree at Biola, I was given a homework assignment by Clay Jones to do either a blog post or a private email conversation exchange on the topic of the defense of the resurrection. I wasn’t sure at the time that putting my beliefs out on the public “airwaves” was a great idea. I knew I’d be ridiculed and attacked. Plus, I had grown up in a cultural environment in which people were more private with their beliefs. So, after giving it some thought, I opted for the email conversation exchange.

For several months after the assignment, I kept thinking about why I didn’t choose the public blog post. For a while, I endured a constant stream of thoughts about my decision. In time, when I could no longer let these thoughts linger, I gave up trying to resist. I designed my blogger account, recruited a co-blogger (partner in crime), and posted my first blog entry. Sure enough, mockery, derision, ridicule and threats all reared their ugly heads. Yet I also experienced some of the best conversations on God’s existence that I’ve ever had with people of different beliefs. I’ve also seen people let go of their close-mindedness, change their minds, and even change their hearts. Continue reading “Confident Christianity Celebrates 10 Years in Ministry!”



Over the last nine years of ministry, I’ve seen so many people’s lives affected by the redemptive truth of Jesus Christ as presented through apologetic material. The first life I saw impacted was my own. As I set out to answer doubts about my own belief in God, I never meant to start up a ministry. I just wanted to get those answers. Yet, I realized that other people must also have questions and doubts, and like me, they may not know where to even begin looking. So I began to teach apologetics in the local church. I also began a blog defending the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus. Out of these two small endeavors, a ministry arose and flourished.

Now, Confident
Christianity continues to expand our ministry effectively reaching a
rapidly changing culture.  My current studies are aimed at equipping everyday
Christians with tools to simply talk with anyone about anything in this changing environment. Talking with others about our beliefs should and can be natural.

YOU CAN HELP US IMPACT LIVES WITH A GIFT OF $25, $50, $100, $1000 TODAY  100% of donations go directly to the ministry.


A New Rebellion: True Tolerance

A New Rebellion: True Tolerance

“For the power of Man to make himself what he pleases means, as we have seen, the power of some men to make other men what they please.” – C.S. Lewis

Years ago, in The Abolition of Man, C.S. Lewis cautioned that as a society lets go of an objective basis for morality, a society ends up conditioned to believe the values and preferences of a few men. He called these men, “The Conditioners.” They are those men with power, a voice, and the platform to spread their message. While his warning sounds like the introduction of a fictitious dystopian novel, it appears that our society has reached the dawn of dystopia.abolitionofman

In The Abolition of Man, Lewis’ social conditioners are those who prescribe for everyone the values they have chosen for themselves. These are not values chosen through means of any objective basis or standard, rather these are subjectively chosen values. Yet, anyone who disagrees with the conditioners could be labeled as bigoted, ignorant, and perhaps, dangerous. In our society, we have come to the point of understanding what it means when the few decide what the rest of us may or may not think or even discuss. It’s emanating, in part, from a redefining of the term, “hate speech.” Continue reading “A New Rebellion: True Tolerance”