The 25 Best Colleges For Homeschool Graduates

The 25 Best Colleges For Homeschool Graduates

I found this article on and am excited to share it with you!  HBU is #7 and climbing quickly!

“The homeschooling movement is growing in America, and it’s no
surprise. The home is a natural, rich soil for student learning. Even
with public and private school students, parents remain a powerful force
in the education of their children.

For most of history, children received vocational or advanced
training in small, community settings such as apprenticeships or with
home tutors. While regular teachers possess college and university
degrees in specialized fields, evidence confirms that homeschool
curricula, with the freedom of the homeschool environment along with the
security and care of parent-teachers, consistently outperform
classrooms taught by degreed professionals.
In short, the passion and dedication of parents seems to
significantly outscore specialization. And of course, the disarray of
public schools and the added expense of private schools only add to
homeschooling’s appeal.
But what about after high school? The working world still presses job
candidates for college degrees. College remains crucial for many
Americans. But for homeschoolers, some colleges fit far better than
others. Below is’s ranking of the 25 top
homeschool-friendly colleges.
Like anyone else in the college-hunt, homeschoolers want academic
excellence and rigor at a fair price—but in a healthy setting without
the decadence prevalent in so much of American higher education. In
their search for the right college, homeschoolers have unique needs.
It is not enough to find a college that actively recruits
homeschoolers; those schools might still fail to address the needs and
interests of their homeschool applicants. All of the following schools
have a history of accepting homeschool applicants. But we’ve gone
farther in identifying three key features that commend these schools as
“homeschool-friendly”:” Click to read the entire article and view the rankings.

Houston Baptist University is making a huge impact!


America’s Got Apologetics

America’s Got Apologetics

Joe Castillo, former student of Houston Baptist University Professor Jerry Walls, has recently advanced on “America’s Got Talent!”  Be watching as Joe heads to the Big Apple!

Apologetics.  Art.  Houston Baptist University.


For more info about Joe Castillo, check out:

Lee Strobel Interviews Mary Jo Sharp

Lee Strobel Interviews Mary Jo Sharp

Mary Jo Sharp is equipping more and more women to defend their faith – and finding an increasingly enthusiastic response.
A professor of apologetics and founder of Confident
Christianity Apologetics Ministry, Mary Jo Sharp is passionate about
enlisting more women in defending the faith. In this interview, she
describes how she’s finding a very receptive audience as she speaks at
women’s ministries around the country:
• Why has there traditionally been a shortage of women in the field of apologetics?
I don’t have any statistical research on why women are not as
publicly involved with apologetics. However, from my interaction with
women at conferences, I have found a few repeating thoughts on the
1) They’ve never been introduced to the field of apologetics before
and/or they are not sure of its relevance to their life. Women in the
church need to understand the importance of apologetics and its
potential impact. I’ve found that once women’s groups are aptly
introduced to the subject, they have some of the most impassioned
responses to the material. It’s not so much of a lack of desire as a
lack of proper introduction.  Click for the rest of the interview
So, They Asked Me To Be A Professor…

So, They Asked Me To Be A Professor…

“Welcome. This is an exciting time in the life of Houston Baptist University (HBU). Since its founding
in 1960, the University has grown into a thriving community of faith
and scholarship…HBU is taking steps to become a leading institution for Christian higher education in America.

From its home in the heart of Houston, Texas, one of the nation’s
largest and most diverse metropolitan areas, HBU provides a learning
experience that instills in students a passion for academic, spiritual,
and professional excellence. This mission serves as the driving force
behind our continued efforts to enrich the total student life

By enhancing our campus facilities, strengthening our rigorous liberal
arts core curriculum, expanding our graduate program offerings, and
competing in NCAA Division I athletics, HBU is uniquely positioned to
serve both undergraduate and graduate students seeking an excellent

Thank you for your interest in HBU. I hope you will take the opportunity to drop by and visit
the HBU campus to experience firsthand all of the wonderful things the
University has to offer. Our faculty, staff and students are ready to
greet you.

Dr. Robert B. Sloan, Jr.
Houston Baptist University”

I have accepted the position of Assistant Professor beginning this fall at HBU!  More on this in a later blog post, but let me say that I whole-heartedly support President Sloan and incoming Provost John Mark Reynolds.  Along with new professor, Holly Ordway (pictured with me on campus), I find that HBU is the place to be!


Christian Apologetics Book Review: Resurrection iWitness

Christian Apologetics Book Review: Resurrection iWitness

Upon first look at Doug Powell’s innovative book, Resurrection iWitness, I was already impressed with its aesthetic appeal; not a typical feature of an argument-based apologetic work. With further exploration, I realized there was great potential for a lasting educational impact of the material because it taps into different learning styles. This book is ideal for establishing a foundation for belief in the resurrection for those persons who are visual or kinesthetic learners. In other words, if you wouldn’t necessarily be excited about reading through pages of arguments in text-only format, this might be the apologetics book for you.1
I took the book into the youth room at our church to get some reactions. The main word I heard over and over was “Cool!” A few people took the time to go all the way through the book, even though I just asked them to skim through. Bearing in mind that the youth room is full of distractions, I was impressed with the attention given to the work. This included adults as well as students! Some of the adults were extremely impressed with the work, asking where they could buy a copy. (You can purchase one on Amazon.)
Do you have a child who is questioning belief in God? Perhaps, they are somewhat disconnected from the whole idea of the “resurrection” of Jesus. This book vividly brings to light the evidence and importance of the resurrection of Jesus, but does so in a way that will engage their imagination. It looks like a storybook and has been jokingly dubbed “the resurrection pop-up book” by some of my church members, but its ingenuity lies in how it draws the attention of the reader to engage in learning. Of particular interest to me was the “Martyr’s Map” in which the locale of each martyr’s death was depicted by a red pushpin on a black and grey map; such striking imagery!
Though there are a few spots in which the type is a little small (due to formatting) the overall book is truly a masterpiece. After reviewing it with my own teenage daughter, as well as with our youth minister and his wife, I am convinced that this resource will be invaluable as a teaching aide for the most important doctrine of the Christian faith. I highly recommend this work for any Christian home or church as it will provide instruction for the young and act as a piece of intrigue for those unfamiliar with arguments for the resurrection.


[1] And perhaps a catalyst towards more investigation into apologetics!


Baptist Convention of New Mexico

Baptist Convention of New Mexico

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (Baptist New Mexican)–The weather for this year’s
evangelism conferences sponsored by the Baptist Convention of New Mexico
was much better than it was the same week last year, and it made a huge
difference in how many people took advantage of the opportunity to be
reminded of “God’s Plan for Sharing.”

The Baptist New Mexican
estimated that more than 800 people gathered in the auditorium of
Hoffmantown Church in Albuquerque for the State Evangelism Conference’s
opening session on Monday evening, Jan. 30, significantly more than last
year, when a bitter blast of cold and snow arrived that day and
terrorized much of the state the rest of the week.

This year’s
weather was delightful in comparison, and chances are that the weather
for next year’s conference will be better than it was for four of the
past eight years too, since the conference will be moved closer to the
onset of spring, March 4-6, partly to avoid colder weather.

Bathed in Prayer

Napier, who directs evangelism and discipleship for the state
convention, had been calling on New Mexico Baptists for weeks to pray
fervently that God would visit the conferences with his presence and
power, and Baptists across the state had been enlisted to pray for each
speaker during each of the sessions.

Enlisting the pray-ers was
Connie Dixon, the BCNM’s missions strategist who serves as state WMU
director, missions education consultant and prayer strategist. She also
made sure a prayer room with prayer material was available at
Hoffmantown, so those who came to the conference would have a quiet
place to go to meet with God.

Sharing Christ Stressed

were praying that God would move and empower New Mexico Baptists to
share Christ, which was encouraged throughout each of the conferences.

Hispanic Evangelism Conference was held Sunday evening and Monday
morning at Del Norte Conference Center; the State Evangelism Conference
was held at Hoffmantown Church on Monday evening and Tuesday morning,
afternoon and evening; and the Senior Adult Evangelism Conference was
held on Wednesday morning at Hoffmantown.

The State Conference
included a special luncheon with renowned apologist Lee Strobel on
Tuesday, and the Senior Adult Conference again concluded with the annual
Senior Adult Luncheon.

Speaking at the State Conference were
Strobel, Don Wilton, Thomas Hammond, Dan Morgan, James Walker, Mary Jo
Sharp and Michael Keahbone.

Strobel has been described in the
Washington Post as “one of the evangelical community’s most popular
apologists”; Wilton is senior pastor of First Baptist Church,
Spartanburg, S.C., where famed evangelist Billy Graham is a member;
Hammond is team leader of the North American Mission Board’s God’s Plan
for Sharing Initiative; Morgan is professor of church planting and the
Nehemiah Project director at the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary in
Cochrane, Alberta, Canada; Walker, who grew up as a Mormon, is a leader
in Christian counter-cult evangelism, apologetics and discernment; Sharp
is a certified apologetics instructor with NAMB; and Keahbone is a
Native American who is a regular speaker for the University of Oklahoma
football team and has preached across the country.

During the
conference’s opening session on Monday evening, Napier took a few
minutes to introduce and interview his son’s wrestling coach, Corey
Anderson, who shared about how the evangelism director had led him to
faith in Christ and the difference the Lord has since made in his life
and the life of his family.

On Tuesday afternoon, participants
had two opportunities to attend breakout conferences that were led by
Hammond, “How to Make Your Church More Visitor Friendly”; Manny Montaño
of Cedar Crest, Evangelism Response Center training; Morgan, “The
Continuously Fruitful Church”; John Bailey of NAMB’s church planter
mobilization team, “The Multiplying Church”; Walker, “Witnessing With
the Book of Mormon”; Sharp, “Islam: A Christian Response”; and Chris
Cooper of the Mapping Center for Evangelism, on the center’s ministry.

Leading worship during all three conferences was Kari Jobe of Southlake, Texas, and her band.

of those who came Monday evening moved after the session to
Hoffmantown’s Big City Studio for a pie and coffee fellowship, and for
the second straight year, dozens of volunteers stuck around after the
Tuesday evening session to set up 71 tables and put 500 chairs around
them in Hoffmantown’s worship center for the conference and meal for
seniors the following day.

Needs Met

Roy Martin, minister
of music and church administration at Parkland Baptist Church in Clovis,
told the Baptist New Mexican that he appreciated this year’s emphasis
and that he was especially blessed by the breakout conference that dealt
with making churches more “visitor friendly.”

“Very refreshing” was the evaluation by Bill Friese, pastor of Mimbres Baptist Church in Rio Mimbres.

at home had almost caused Friese and his wife, Sharon, to cancel their
plans to attend the conference, but they made the effort needed to come
anyway, they said, and they were glad they did.

The conference, Friese said, caused him to reflect on and recommit himself to God’s call on his life.

did the same for a couple who drove to Albuquerque all the way from
their home in Granbury, Texas, just to attend the New Mexico conference.

and Tammy Aten are former New Mexico Baptists who are just celebrated
their 20th anniversary of ministering as full-time music evangelists.
God used this year’s conference to “stir up” their passion for the
ministry they heard God call them to during the conference in 1991, when
Aten was serving as music minister at First Baptist Church in Artesia.

the Atens sang at some of the conferences after they moved to West
Texas to enter their new ministry, it has been 15 years or so since they
had attended one. They both said it was well worth the more than 600
mile trip.

Hispanic and Senior Conferences

More than 100
predominantly Spanish speakers met at Del Norte Conference Center
earlier that week, on Sunday evening and Monday morning, for the annual
Hispanic Evangelism Conference (Conferencia de Evangelismo).

of them had walked across the parking lot from nearby Del Norte Baptist
Church, where they had enjoyed supper before the evening session and
breakfast before the morning session.

The conference, which is
usually held at the church, was instead held at its conference center
this year because, Pastor Bob Myers told everyone, completion of the
church’s renovation project on the auditorium was still a couple of
weeks away.

Jobe and her band led worship for that conference as
well, much of it in Spanish, and Joshua Del Risco, national coordinator
of church mobilization for NAMB’s mobilization group, preached a message
in each session.

The president of the Spanish Baptist Convention
of New Mexico, Raúl Arreola, who is pastor of Buenas Nuevas Mission in
Las Cruces, also spoke on Sunday evening.

Close to five dozen
churches in the state are affiliated with both of the state’s Baptist
conventions, the BCNM, which celebrates its 100th birthday this year,
and the Spanish Baptist Convention of New Mexico, which was formed in

Sharing his testimony the following morning was Carlos Pino, pastor of Iglesia Bautista Emanuel in Santa Teresa.

asked during the conference where they were from, those in attendance
indicated that they had come to New Mexico from a number of Latin
American countries—including Venezuela, Guatemala, Colombia and
Mexico—and Puerto Rico.

Senior Adults

The Senior Adult Evangelism Conference took place on Wednesday morning at Hoffmantown.

Speaking were Wilton; evangelist and retired director of missions Ernie Perkins of Edmond, Okla.; and Keahbone.

worship were singer and songwriter Brad Porton of Broken Bow, Okla.;
with songwriter, arranger, accompanist, worship leader and evangelist
John Roe of Rio Rancho; and Jobe and her band.

Presiding during
the session and the luncheon that followed was W.A. Bradshaw, retired
director of music, student, recreation and family ministries for the
BCNM and currently associate pastor, music and senior adults, at First
Baptist Church, Rio Rancho.

The luncheon featured more musical
entertainment by Porton and Roe and Perkins’ humorous account of the
early days of his ministry and marriage.

The conferences were
provided by Cooperative Program gifts from churches affiliated with the
BCNM and from NAMB. Next year’s lineup for the March 4-6 conferences
will include Mark Mittelberg, Greg Frizzell, Charles Billingsley and
Rudy Gonzalez.
This article originally appeared in the
Baptist New Mexican (, newsjournal of the Baptist Convention of
New Mexico. John Loudat is editor of the Baptist New Mexican.