My First Book & DVD Bible Study Curriculum!

My First Book & DVD Bible Study Curriculum!

Release Dates are next month!  Be sure to preorder (BOOK/ DVD BIBLE STUDY).  I am very excited about the content and hope it helps your women’s ministry.  Here is a quick blurb from Kregel Publications regarding my book:


Women want answers for the questions about
faith they are asked by co-workers, friends, family, and their children,
as well as those born from their own doubts. But women’s ministries
seldom give women the foundation to address these questions. Popular
apologist Mary Jo Sharp issues a compelling call to women’s ministries
to help women love God with their minds by incorporating apologetics
into their ministries.
In the four parts of the book, Sharp discusses helping women think about
why they believe in God; the implications of true belief in God; how
women can begin using beliefs in everyday conversation; and how to
implement the study of apologetics in women’s ministries.
LifeWay Christian Resources has produced a highly professional DVD Bible Study Curriculum!  I know you will enjoy the content and have a solid resource to offer your church.  As with the book, be sure and preorder the leaders guide as well as the learners guide.
Click Here To Purchase


Why Do You Believe That? A Faith Conversation – Leader Kit helps a leader facilitate this video-driven women’s Bible study to equip women to have meaningful spiritual conversations.

How confident do you feel in talking about matters of faith? Do you
wish you could express your beliefs with more effectiveness? Join Mary
Jo in a practical seven-session study and gain understanding and skill
to share Jesus effectively with others, and you’ll better understand
your own faith. Answer your doubts, build your confidence, and start
changing lives.

Features include:

  • Video-driven Bible study
  • A copy of the Member Book included in Leader Kit
  • 7 group video sessions approximately 25-30 minutes each
  • 6 weeks of personal Bible study

Sessions and Run Times:

  • Session 1: Introducing Apologetics (24:00)
  • Session 2: Knowing Your Beliefs (24:30)
  • Session 3: Listening to Others (25:00)
  • Session 4: Questioning Others (21:30)
  • Session 5: Responding to Others (22:00)
  • Session 6: Roadblocks (27:00)
  • Session 7: Wrap Up and Challenge (9:00)

Participants who take this Bible Study will:

  • Become equipped to share their faith and defend their faith conversationally with friends and neighbors
  • Feel more confident in their faith and knowing what they believe
  • Feel comfortable representing Christ to someone who doesn’t believe
  • Take the mystery and fear out of sharing their faith
  • Gain education, build a firm foundation, and be practically equipped
Addressing the Emotional Problem of Evil

Addressing the Emotional Problem of Evil

C.S. Lewis: “No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear.  I am not afraid but the sensation is like being afraid.”

William Lane Craig: “Undoubtedly the greatest intellectual obstacle to belief in God – for both the Christian and non-Christian – is the so-called problem of evil.”

Dallas Willard: “Feelings live on the front row of our lives like unruly children clamoring for attention.”

Augustine: “There can be no evil where there is no good.”

Kenneth Samples: “The atheist, in effect, depends on the objective moral system of Christianity in order to raise moral objections against the Christian God.”

In the most recent Christian Research Journal, my article: “Addressing the Emotional Problem of Evil: Why Christians Hope” looks at how we can respond when this topic arises.  I encourage you to pick up a copy or become a subscriber of the journal at


*All quotes referenced in this blog are properly attributed in the journal article

What Jesus Said About Who He Is (Video)

What Jesus Said About Who He Is (Video)

 What Jesus Said About Who He Is by Day of Discovery  

Travel with Mart De Haan to the northern region of Israel. Hear from scholars and authorities in the field of New Testament studies as they consider the evidence for and against what Jesus said about Himself. Gain insights from the historical and rational perspectives that distinguish Jesus from other founders of world religions. Explore Jesus’ claim, test what He said, and decide for yourself whether or not you have reason to believe.

Is There A Higher Power?

Is There A Higher Power?

Watch on Ion TV this Sunday!

“What Jesus Said About God: Is There a Higher Power?” a program that I participated in, will
broadcast this weekend, Sunday, August 26, 2012. Following is a brief
description of the program:

to Jerusalem and examine the words of Jesus that reveal the existence
of God. Join host Mart DeHaan and several authorities as they engage in a
captivating discussion. Gain insights into reasons for belief and
unbelief in God. Discover whether you have reason to believe not only
what Jesus said about God, but also what He said about himself as being
equal to God.

a reminder Day of Discovery can be seen on Ion TV Sundays at 7:30 a.m.
Eastern and Pacific, and 6:30 a.m. Central and Mountain time. A listing
of local station air times can be found by visiting the website at and
following the “Where to Watch” link in the left column. Additionally,
the program is available to view at no cost via the website, as soon as
it airs.


Apologetics – Texas Style

Apologetics – Texas Style

 Sharp, Ordway, Pearcey
 Mary Jo Sharp & Nancy Pearcey watching as Holly Ordway learns another type of apologia.
1 Peter 3:15
 Fencing, Pistols, Cultural Apologetics: Renaissance Woman – God’s Type
 Shooting Leonardo?
Houston Baptist University is developing a new MA in Apologetics.  Nancy Pearcey, Mary Jo Sharp, & Holly Ordway along with Provost John Mark Reynolds, Michael Ward, Jerry Walls, Louis Markos, Michael Licona, John McAteer, & Bruce Gordon are awaiting you to join us.  Apply Today! Start the New Year with a Bang…
The Woodlands, Texas

The Woodlands, Texas

Reasons is a weekend conference of conversations
about Faith and evidence.  It is intended to equip and minister to
people of all ages from youth to senior adults.  In one sense, this
opportunity can be seen as specific training in relational and
conversational evangelism.  Our hope is that the speakers, breakout
sessions and resources serve each attendant not as ammunition used to
blast away skeptics…but as fuel to a richer understanding of thought,
evidence, Biblical Faith and a sincere love for people who struggle with
these ideas.  We want the Reasons Conference to make us better witnesses, disciples and missionaries…right here in our own neighborhoods and office buildings.
If you want to promote Reasons to your church, small group, serve team, or school, CLICK HERE for the promotion materials.
We would love for you to join us in this great endeavor. 
Registration has been kept to a minimum by a generous family in Faith
Bible Church.  Individual registration is only $39 with the ability to
add a spouse for $10.  Student registration is only $10.  Please share
this opportunity with neighbors, friends, co-workers, classmates and any
others you think may like to join us for the weekend.
Click Here to Register
We have prayerfully assembled an all-star cast of presenters and
plenary speakers, featuring Dr. J. P. Moreland.  If you are a beginner
in the language of apologetics, do not be intimidated.  There will be
much in this weekend for you.  If you are passionate and well-versed in
the conversations about evidence and Faith, be encouraged.  This weekend
will help to clarify, expand and enlarge your love for these ideas.
Most of all, we hope that Reasons serves to fuel our love,
appreciation, worship and faith in Jesus, the Creator and Redeemer of
all things.  It is for this goal that we offer Reasons.


Friday Evening – October 12, 2012

7:00 PM – Welcome and opening prayer
Remarks on “Why Apologetics?” and introduction of J.P. Moreland by Dr. Craig Hazen
Plenary session: Dr. J.P. Moreland “Arguments for the Existence of God
Book tables and book signing open

Saturday – October 13, 2012

9:00 AM – Welcome and opening prayer
Opening Remarks by Dr. Craig Hazen and introduction of Dr. Michael Licona
First Plenary session: Dr. Michael Licona “Evidence for the Resurrection
10:15 AM –  Breakout Sessions

Mary Jo Sharp “Asking the Right Questions
Holly Ordway “An Atheist’s Journey to Faith
Craig Hazen “Apologetics to Mormons
Stefana Laing “Ancient Heresies Repackaged

LUNCH BREAK 11-12:15 PM (Attendants are responsible for their own lunches) –  Book tables open.
12:15pm Welcome back and introduction of Dr. Clay Jones by Dr. Craig Hazen
Second Plenary session: Dr. Clay Jones “Answering the Problem of Evil”
1:15pm Breakout Sessions

Mary Jo Sharp “Apologetics in Women’s Ministry
Holly Ordway “Literature in Apologetics
Michael Licona “Are the Gospels Reliable?
Craig Hazen “The Challenge of World Religions
Melissa Travis “Intelligent Design 101

2:15pm Introduction of speaker by Dr. Craig Hazen
Third Plenary Session: Dr. J.P. Moreland “The Case for the Existence of the Soul”
Closing remarks by Dr. Craig Hazen
Book tables and book signing open until 4pm.
Sunday- October 14, 2012

9:00 AM and 10:40 AM – Faith Bible Church Worship Services

Dr. Moreland— “Loving God With All Your Mind

MA in Apologetics at HBU – Spring 2013!

MA in Apologetics at HBU – Spring 2013!

Houston Baptist University

The MA in Apologetics at Houston Baptist University is now accepting applicants for spring 2013! Come study apologetics with an outstanding faculty (look at the list!) in a program that is like no other: 

HBU’s MA in Apologetics is set apart from other apologetics programs by its interdisciplinary nature and its engagement with culture and the arts and humanities. Furthermore, the program includes a strong component of coursework in writing and communication in apologetics, designed to help students achieve excellence in writing, speaking, and other forms of apologetics engagement. The degree includes a thesis option, which is ideal for students who wish to pursue further work at the doctoral level.
The “mere Christian” focus of the program and the ecumenical nature of the faculty means that the MA in Apologetics is designed to serve all parts of the body of Christ, and welcomes Catholic and Orthodox as well as Protestant students.”

(Thanks to Holly Ordway for this write-up)


The Problem of Evil & Church Planting?

The Problem of Evil & Church Planting?

Visiting with Pastor & Author David Platt

I have to admit that I wasn’t quite sure how my talk: “Why Jesus in a World Embracing Many Beliefs” jibed with a national conference on church planting.  But, after arriving at FBC Woodstock, Georgia and experiencing incredible corporate worship led by Matt Redman along with a thematic design that would rival any red carpet event, I understood my role.

My talk was basically a ‘problem of evil’ talk.  My focus was that Christianity is the only worldview that actually solves the problem of evil (hopefully you’ll be able to grab a copy of the entire talk soon).  Session leaders such as Louie Giglio, Ed Stetzer, and John Bisagno primed those in attendance to understand difficult theological concepts.  In fact, one tweet read this way: “If you are not teaching your people theology it will come back to bite you.” (John Bisagno).  An Ed Stetzer quote/tweet read this way: “If you can learn to order at Starbucks, then you can learn theological terms at church.”

I am humbled by the trust placed in me to speak at the Send North America Conference.  I pray those in attendance at my sessions took great notes and feel equipped to effectively communicate the need for Jesus with anyone they come in contact with.

Click here for a quick outline of the Problem of Evil I wrote in 2008.  Be expecting an update soon! 


UPDATE (8/9/12)
Here is the MP3

Session #1 at the Send North America Conference July 31st, 2012