The Indwelling Word

The Indwelling Word

In Order for the Word to Dwell in You, 

You Must Know the Word.

every Christian, a deep knowledge of the Word helps make the difference
between a shallow faith and a life of trust and obedience. This
intimacy with the Word develops as we dedicate our lives to reading and
studying it personally, in community with others, and regularly
examining how it should impact us every day.


Summit 2014!

Summit 2014!

You are engaged in a battle. Ideas come at you from every direction, and few know how to make sense of the world. Few know how to think Christianly. Few know what they believe; and fewer still, why they believe it. Equip yourself. Learn to equip others.

Summit’s Student Worldview Conferences are intensive two-week retreats designed to teach students (ages 16-22) how to analyze the various ideas that are currently competing for their hearts and minds. Each summer, nine two-week conferences are held in Colorado, Tennessee, and California.