Dr. Robert B. Sloan has begun his journey in the world community of the blogosphere! This is an opportunity for those who may be considering Houston Baptist University for their education to see into the heart and mind of her great leader. It is also a chance for anyone to grow and learn from the teaching of Dr. Sloan. I am excited that he has joined the ranks of so many educators in impacting culture through social media.

You can receive updates for his blog by subscribing to his RSS on his blog at Robert B. Sloan, Jr.  Don’t forget to check out his other networking accounts: Facebook and Twitter.

2 thoughts on “President of HBU starts a new blog!

  1. No matter what you write, at the end of the day all you have are words. You can't actually show that your god is real. All you can ever do is maybe win some of the arguments.
    The power and reality of your god is so desperately needed and yet almost never demonstrated by any advocate of your religion.

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