3 thoughts on “Debate: “Was Jesus the Promised Jewish Messiah?”

  1. Jesus was the Messiah…the creator of Christianity and its values. We all need Jesus in our lives more than anything else. He is the saviour of our lives.

    -Crosspointe Church Yorba Linda

  2. Actually the Christian Apostle Paul created what is known as Christianity today, not Jesus, who was a torah-observant Jew.

    When one is willing to study the texts themselves, recorded history and scholarly research done over the last several centuries, it all becomes obvious. I recommend the book "Paul and Jesus" by Jim Tabor

    Rational thought and observation should always trump blind faith… I used to be a Christian, I converted to Judaism over a year ago…it took years of serious study to fully accept the reality of it all.

  3. Lavi…

    At last, someone else who understands the N.T. Spot on, Lavi.

    You might also try 'King Jesus' by Ralph Ellis. It explains why Paul-Saul created Christianity (for the Romans).

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