5 thoughts on “The Jesus Myth Theory: Investigating Claims of Copying

  1. That's the first thing I did. I don't know who makes this stuff up. After all, it's not like we atheists need the help. The burden of proof for faith claims isn't on us, and seeing as there is no real evidence that Jesus was resurected, it doesn't matter where the story came from. Just because it wasn't copied from other myths does't make it true.

  2. The level of evidence required of a claim will vary depending on the claim. If my brother tells me he saw a DeLorean (Back to the Future Car) driving down the road, I am likely to believe him at face value. I have no way of knowing if he really saw one, but his claim, if false, doesn't really impact my life. If he tells me he saw Big Foot, and that we need to start living according to Big Foot's laws, that does affect me, and I would need something other than his word. Today there are plenty of people that claim to have been abducted by aliens, but do you believe their claims?

    Christianity makes some very serious claims regarding Jesus. The burden of proof of those claims is on Christianity. Regardless of how historically accurate the Bible may be, which is open for debate, it makes some very serious claims. We have nothing more than the word of long dead authors, many of whom are unknown.

    It's not a matter of proving it false. I could claim an invisible magic unicorn lives in my backyard who demands everyone worship him. Just because you can't prove it false, doesn't make it true.

    When I was a Christian, I set out on a mission to be able to defend my faith. It was this journey that convinced me that there was no reason to believe the claims of Christianity, and many reasons not to believe them.

    I'm an atheist not because I can definitively claim that there is no god, but because I have not been convinced enough to believe in one.

  3. I know Jesus is real and true. He used my stroke and recovery to strengthen my faith. If he had not come alongside me, I may not have been able to write this comment.

    Because of that experience, I was inspired to write a book of poerty to share with others and to help them strengthen their faith.

    Visit my blog to learn more:

  4. Chad: So, you have no reason that there is no God then? How come you hold to one point of view over and against another if you are unsure as to whether that view is actually wrong or invalid?

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