In Defending the Faith popular apologist Mary Jo Sharp issues a personal challenge for sisters in Christ to approach their faith on an intellectual level, along with a compelling call for women’s ministries to help women love God with their minds by incorporating apologetics into their programs.
“What a valuable resource! We live in a culture of competing ideas and ideologies that challenge our faith and require us to think deeply about our beliefs. Honestly, I can’t think of a more valuable resource in women's ministry to equip you, your family and your church to defend your hope in Jesus Christ.”
-Andy Steiger, Director of Apologetics Canada
“It is my honor and privilege to endorse Mary Jo Sharp and her book, Defending the Faith: Apologetics in Women’s Ministry. In this book, Mary Jo calls the women leaders in ministry to take their place in apologetics. Way to go, Mary Jo! After reading this book all women will understand more clearly our call to equip and encourage the women we influence to understand not only what we believe, but to then represent our beliefs in a concise and convincing method. Mary Jo makes her case of convincing every woman to defend Christianity. After reading this book you will be challenged to go deeper in your study of why we believe what we do as Christians. Mary Jo presents a convincing case with passion, conviction, and humor. You will know Mary Jo when you finish this book. I am so proud to call Mary Jo my friend and co-laborer in the faith.”
—Pam Brewer, Director of Women to Women Ministry, First Baptist, Dallas, Texas
“Defending the Faith is a ground-breaking book for women. I hope and pray it will help inspire many women to learn how to defend their faith so they can have an impact on both their families and the wider culture. I will be giving a copy to my wife as well as the rest of her small group as soon as it’s available!”
—Sean McDowell, speaker, educator, and author, Apologetics for a New Generation
“Mary Jo Sharp is not only one of America’s foremost female apologists, she’s one of our foremost apologists, period. This book is a call for churches to be serious about discipling the mind of its women, and it couldn’t come at a better time for me. I’m glad my three daughters will grow up having this resource in their hands and can know the opportunity and calling they have to courageously defend truth in their words and their lives.”
—John Stonestreet, speaker and fellow, The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview
“Mary Jo Sharp is uniquely qualified to equip Christian women to always be ready to give a defense for what they believe. Her passion for truth, for articulating it in a well-reasoned and attractive way, and for sharing it with those who desperately need Christ is a model that is on full display in this book. Defending the Fatih: Apologetics in Women’s Ministry is sure to be the blueprint on how to encourage apologetics in women’s ministry.”
—Doug Powell, author/designer, Resurrection iWitness and Jesus iWitness
“Mary Jo Sharp has written a book that was needed decades ago. She has filled the need with wit, candor, and intellectual acumen. Professor Sharp has practical experience talking to women all over the country and in an academic community. She is the one of the best communicators in apologetics today, and this book is an example of those skills. Men need to read this book as well as women because it disabuses several foolish beliefs some men might have. At the same time, Professor Sharp affirms the traditional Christian faith.”
—John Mark N. Reynolds, Provost and Professor of Philosophy,
Houston Baptist University
“Drawing on Scripture, the work of Christian scholars, and a wide range of personal experience, Mary Jo Sharp has delivered a strong apologia for building apologetics into women’s ministry. My wife, Sharon, and I read this thoughtful, arresting work together—and hope that will many will take up both this book and its cause.”
—Mark Coppenger, Professor of Christian Apologetics, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Too often we have been comfortable with ‘what my parents/church/Sunday school teacher told us’ without personally investigating why we believe what we believe regarding our faith in Christ. I am thrilled Mary Jo has found a way to not only defend her faith in the daily walk of life, but also to teach others how to do it. Thank you, Mary Jo.”
—Chris Adams, Women’s Ministry Specialist, Speaker, and Leadership Trainer
“Defending the Faith: Apologetics in Women’s Ministry is a must read book for those women who are in leadership desiring to have a greater impact on all generations, as well as those women who long to understand how to define their faith. I have seen firsthand how the women across the state of Texas were drawn to a unique way of teaching God’s word by Mary Jo Sharp that was helping them answer the reason and evidence for our Christian hope. This woman is a gifted writer and teacher and can take the most complex questions and doubts we face and teach them in such a way that is clear and memorable. Mary Jo will surely leave a legacy as a woman who defended her faith.”
—Shirley Moses, author of Heart Friends, Founder of Beyond the Call Ministries
“Mary Jo Sharp has a remarkable ability to make high-level Christian thinking in theology, philosophy, and apologetics accessible to everyone. Her new book, Defending the Faith, adds another dimension as well—it connects with women in the church like nothing I’ve ever seen. This book is personal, engaging, smart, and simply delightful to read. I could not encourage church leaders more to get everyone in the congregation reading this book. Serious spiritual growth in mind and character is certain to occur!”
—Craig J. Hazen, Founder and Director of the Christian Apologetics program, Biola University
“Finally, a book that focuses on the use of Christian apologetics in women’s ministry! Women’s ministry is a powerful element in churches; it meets needs and changes lives for the better. And there has been a recent surge of interest in women’s ministry for Christian apologetics. Therefore, this book is both timely and right on the mark, and Mary Jo Sharp is the woman most qualified to teach on the matter. So whether you’re a leader or attendee in the church, if you’re involved in women’s ministry, this is a book you will want to read.”
—Michael R. Licona, Associate Professor in Theology, Houston Baptist University
“In a unique volume, Mary Jo Sharp has done what very few other scholars could do: challenge women to know more about the contents of their faith and, in particular, how to defend it. A very popular conference speaker and a trained apologist, Sharp reaches out to women, encouraging them to consciously join the ranks of those who are able to provide answers to anyone who wonders how Christianity can be grounded, and doing so with intellectual rigor. With their family members, friends, coworkers, churches, and others, women have matchless opportunities to reach others. This book provides many resources, including how to begin immediately and how to apply apologetics in the context of women’s ministry. Thanks to Kregel Publications, too, for providing a distinctive volume that fills such a necessary and neglected area.”
—Gary R. Habermas, Distinguished Research Professor, Liberty University & Theological Seminary
“Mary Jo Sharp advocates opening a vast new front in the battle for truth by challenging women’s ministries to take apologetics training seriously. It’s an outstanding idea. Women as a group have always been a critical part of the church’s witness, whether through evangelism or civilization-sustaining good deeds. If congregations take Defending the Faith seriously, it could equip a whole new generation to love God with their minds.”
— Jeff Myers, President, Summit Ministries
Great Book
This book speaks to the heart and to why I got into Apologetics to begin with.
GMC Reader
Women's Ministry Must Have
Mary Jo Sharp does a great job not only expressing why Apologetics is important, but she dedicated an entire chapter on how (and why) it should be apart of our Women's Ministry program.
D. Rich
A wonderful book on the importance for women (and men) to be able to defend your faith and teaches why and how to go about it.